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Headword: *parqe/noi
Adler number: pi,668
Translated headword: Maidens, Virgins
Vetting Status: high
This is what they used to call the daughters of Erechtheus[1] and they honoured them;[2] [they were] six in number. The eldest [was] Protogenia, the second Pandora, the third Prokris, the fourth Creusa, the fifth Orithyia, the sixth Chthonia. Of these Protogenia and Pandora are said to have given themselves to be slaughtered on behalf of their country when an army came from Boeotia. They were slaughtered on the hill called Hyacinthus on behalf of the Sphendonians. Hence they are also called the Hyacinthid Maidens, as Phanodemus attests in his fifth Atthis, when recalling the honour shown them, and Phrynichus in Recluse.[3]
Greek Original:
*parqe/noi: ta\s *)erexqe/ws qugate/ras ou(/tws e)/legon kai\ e)timw/rhsan de\ to\n a)riqmo\n e(/c. presbuta/th me\n *prwtoge/neia, deute/ra de\ *pandw/ra, tri/th *pro/kris, teta/rth *kre/ousa, pe/mpth *)wrei/quia, e(/kth *xqoni/a. tou/twn le/getai *prwtoge/neia kai\ *pandw/ra dou=nai e(auta\s sfagh=nai u(pe\r th=s xw/ras, stratia=s e)lqou/shs e)k *boiwti/as. e)sfagia/sqhsan de\ e)n tw=| *(uaki/nqw| kaloume/nw| pa/gw| u(pe\r tw=n *sfendoni/wn. dio\ kai\ ou(/tws kalou=ntai parqe/noi *(uakinqi/des, kaqa/per mar- turei= *fano/dhmos e)n th=| pe/mpth| *)atqi/di, memnhme/nos th=s timh=s au)tw=n, kai\ *fru/nixos *monotro/pw|.
Same entry in Photius (pi408 Theodoridis; cf. n. 2 below); see also Hesychius p925 and the paroemiographer Apostolius (14.7).
[1] See already under pi 666.
[2] Adopting the reading of Photius, e)ti/mwn h)=san, rather than e)timw/rhsan, which would mean "they took vengeance upon".
[3] Phanodemus FGrH 325 F4; Phrynichus fr. 30 Kock (31 K.-A.). For the Hyacinthids see also Clement of Alexandria, Stromata; Demosthenes 60.27; Diodorus Siculus 17.15.2; and Euripides fr. 65 (from the Erechtheus) in Nova fragmenta Euripidea in papyris reperta, ed. Colin Austin.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; military affairs; mythology; women
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica ✝ on 21 February 2000@13:31:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied headwords; added note; cosmetics) on 23 January 2001@10:34:56.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 10 January 2002@18:05:08.
Ross Scaife ✝ (cosmetics, added keyword) on 11 December 2003@06:12:26.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; corrected betacode in note) on 11 December 2003@07:58:17.
Catharine Roth (corrected betacode) on 11 December 2003@11:14:30.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 August 2010@08:16:03.
David Whitehead (another keyword; internal rearrangement) on 1 September 2011@10:07:32.
David Whitehead (tweaked notes; more keywords) on 17 September 2013@04:25:34.


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