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Search results for pi,620 in Adler number:
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Headword: *parh/llacan
Adler number: pi,620
Translated headword: they changed, passed by
Vetting Status: high
"But when they[A] passed by the ambush, suddenly they[B] all appeared."[1] Meaning they arrived.[2]
Greek Original:
*parh/llacan: e)peidh\ de\ parh/llacan th\n e)ne/dran, a)/fnw pa/ntes e)pefa/nhsan. a)nti\ tou= parh=lqon.
For the verb paralla/ssw cf. pi 380.
[1] The quotation, unidentifiable as it stands, is surely a paraphrase of Xenophon, Hellenica 5.1.12: e)pei\ de\ parh/llacan oi( prw=toi th\n e)ne/dran, e)cani/stantai oi( peri\ to\n *xabri/an kai\ eu)qu\s h)ko/ntizon kai\ e)/ballon ("But when the first [of Gorgopas' troops] had passed by the ambush, Chabrias' men broke cover and immediately began hurling javelins and throwing [stones]").
[2] This appears to be glossing e)pefa/nhsan, not the headword itself.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 August 2011@22:45:04.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented and modified notes; more keywords; cosmetics) on 30 August 2011@05:19:03.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 30 August 2011@19:02:39.
David Whitehead (provided Xen tr; betacode typo) on 31 August 2011@02:56:33.


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