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Headword: *puqe/as
Adler number: pi,3125
Translated headword: Pytheas
Vetting Status: high
Of Athens. Rhetor. He was the son of a miller, and very insolent. He escaped from imprisonment in Athens for a debt, and went to Macedonia;[1] then he returned home. He wrote speeches for the assembly and the law-courts, and a number of other works. But he was not ranked with the other orators, because of his insolence and unruliness.
[Note] that 'miller' [mulôthros] is the word for someone who owns and works a mill.[2]
And from it [comes] a verb, mulôthrô. Lay-people, though, [say] mulônas.[3]
Greek Original:
*puqe/as, *)aqhnai=os, r(h/twr, ui(o\s de\ h)=n mulwqrou=, kai\ qrasu\s sfo/dra: fugw/n te *)aqh/nhqen e)k tou= desmwthri/ou dia\ o)/flhma ei)s *makedoni/an h)=lqen, ei)=ta e)panh=ke pa/lin. e)/graye lo/gous dhmhgorikou\s kai\ dikanikou\s kai\ a)/lla tina/. a)ll' ou)k e)kri/qh meta\ tw=n loipw=n r(hto/rwn, w(s qrasu\s kai\ diespasme/nos. o(/ti mu/lwqros le/getai o( mulw=na kekthme/nos kai\ e)rgazo/menos. kai\ e)c au)tou= r(h=ma mulwqrw=. oi( de\ i)diw=tai mulwna=n.
Second half of C4 BC (born perhaps c.357). See generally RE Pytheas(3). He came to political prominence in the second half of the 320s - early in life, by Greek standards - when he opposed the deification of Alexander the Great and served as one of the ten state prosecutors (of Demosthenes and others) in the Harpalos Affair.
[1] One manuscript wrongly says 'to Sparta'.
[2] From mu 1412.
[3] For other possible sense of i)diw=tai here see under alpha 1224.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; geography; history; law; politics; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 27 June 2001@11:17:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes) on 28 June 2001@03:38:00.
David Whitehead (added note) on 28 June 2001@03:44:45.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 20 November 2005@10:28:03.
David Whitehead (another note) on 25 July 2007@03:22:53.
David Whitehead (typo (mine); another note) on 19 April 2010@07:29:43.
David Whitehead on 23 October 2013@08:40:36.


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