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Headword: *pra=cis
Adler number: pi,2217
Translated headword: negotiation
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning sc. the act of] approaching.[1]
Polybios [writes]: "having engineered, along with his allies in his country, negotiation for a third time, and having proposed terms to Fabius [...]."[2] And Polybios elsewhere: "[Alexandros] arranged a negotiation with the Aitolians through the agency of a certain Iason, who was dispatched to Agetas, the general of the Aitolians, and agreed to hand over to them the citadel in Phanoteus."[3]
Greek Original:
*pra=cis: h( prosodi/a. *polu/bios: meta\ tw=n e)n th=| patri/di fi/lwn tri/ton pra=cin kataskeuasame/nou kai\ prosenegko/ntos tw=| *fabi/w| to\n lo/gon. kai\ au)=qis *polu/bios: o( de\ sunesth/sato pra=cin e)pi\ tou\s *ai)twlou\s dia/ tinos *)ia/sonos: o(\s diapemya/menos pro\s *)agh/tan to\n tw=n *ai)twlw=n strathgo\n w(molo/ghse th\n a)/kran au)toi=s paradw/sein th\n e)n toi=s *fanoteu=si.
[1] Adler notes (but did not print) the emendation of this glossing noun in the 1549 Suda edition from prosodia to prodosia "treachery".
[2] Polybios fr. 70 Büttner-Wobst. Although he notes that Schweighäuser was reluctant to link this fragment to any particular Hannibalic war episode, Büttner-Wobst suggests (524) that it could refer to the 209 BCE betrayal of Tarentum (cf. tau 112) to Quintus Fabius Maximus (Verrucosus 'Cunctator', the 'Delayer'; cf. OCD(4) p. 564 and epsilon 695) during the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE; cf. Polybius 10.1, web address 1). Büttner-Wobst also proposed (ibid.) emending the passage by replacing tri/ton (for a third time) with tou= *taranti/nou (thus, the Tarantine's negotiation), adding that the Tarentum citizen in question should be read as the architect Herakleides; cf. alpha 1848, alpha 3018, and Polybius 13.4 (web address 2). Walbank observes (749), however, that the Polybius 13.4 account of Herakleides's actions has the architect attempting to betray Carthagenian-occupied Tarentum to the Romans long before Fabius assumed command of the assault. Walbank further notes (op. cit.) that other sources (e.g. Livy 27.15, web address 3) describe Herakleides as approaching Fabius prior to executing his plot, not afterward as implied by the fragment. These chronological issues cast a shadow of doubt over Büttner-Wobst's conjectures, and Walbank concludes (op. cit.) that Büttner-Wobst's emendation does indeed seem "over-bold".
[3] Polybios 5.96.4-5, on events in Greece in the year 217 BCE. "Phanoteus", in Phokis, is better known (at least to modern readers) as Panopeus (Phanotis, Panopeos, Barrington Atlas map 55 grid D4); pi 207, phi 80.
T. Büttner-Wobst, ed., Polybii Historiae, vol. IV, (Leipzig 1904)
F.W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, vol. III, (Oxford 1979)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: architecture; biography; chronology; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 October 2001@17:57:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 17 October 2001@03:45:09.
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; tweaks) on 16 May 2011@07:42:19.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaked a note) on 27 October 2011@08:31:12.
David Whitehead (another note) on 13 October 2013@08:05:46.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 5 February 2014@07:06:51.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography, augmented n.3, added map reference) on 19 October 2018@14:51:39.
Ronald Allen (further expanded n.2, added another link, added cross-references, added keyword) on 21 October 2018@15:35:07.
Ronald Allen (further expanded n.2, added bibliographical entry, added link, added keyword) on 22 October 2018@16:27:21.


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