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Headword: *pomph/i+os
Adler number: pi,2025
Translated headword: Pompeios, Pompeius, Pompey
Vetting Status: high
A general of [the] Romans. About him they say that after the treaty[1] Caesar[2] and Antony dined with Pompey the son of Pompey, who prepared the banquet on board the flagship; for he said that this was the only paternal house left to him. When they were now on board and the banquet was at its peak, Menas the pirate[3] who had been doing Pompey worthy service then, too, came to him quietly and said, "Do you want me to cut the anchor cables and make you master not [only] of Sicily and Sardinia but of the whole empire of [the] Romans? But Pompey answered, "Menas, you should have done this without telling me ahead of time of your enterprise. But as it is -- since it is not in my character to break an oath -- let us acquiesce in things as they are."[4]
Greek Original:
*pomph/i+os, *(rwmai/wn strathgo/s: peri\ ou(= fasin o(/ti meta\ ta\s sponda\s deipnei=n to\n *kai/sara kai\ *)antw/nion para\ *pomphi/+w| tw=| paidi\ *pomphi/+ou e)n th=| strathgi/di nhi\+ paraskeuasame/nw| to\ dei=pnon: tou=ton ga\r e)/fh mo/non au)tw=| katalelei=fqai patrw=|on oi)=kon. h)/dh de\ e)/ndon o)/ntwn kai\ th=s sunousi/as a)kmazou/shs, *mhna=n to\n peirath\n ta\ plei/stou a)/cia tw=| *pomphi/+w| u(phretou=nta kai\ to/te proselqei=n au)tw=| h(suxh= kai/, bou/lei, fa/nai, ta\s a)gku/ras th=s nho\s u(potemw\n poih/sw se mh\ *sikeli/as kai\ *sardw=nos, a)lla\ th=s *(rwmai/wn h(gemoni/as ku/rion; to\n de\ *pomph/i+on a)pokri/nasqai: e)/dei se, w)= *mhna=, tou=to pepoihke/nai mh\ proeipo/nta e)moi\ th\n e)pixei/rhsin. nu=n de/, [ou) pro\s h(mw=n ga\r e)piorkei=n] ta\ paro/nta ste/rgwmen.
This man (cf.67-36 BCE), the younger son of Pompey the Great (pi 2024), is generally known nowadays as Sextus Pompey. See generally OCD4 s.v. Pompeius Magnus, Sextus. The present entry's material on him comes from John of Antioch fr.77 FHG (4.568), now 154 Roberto.
[1] The Treaty of Misenum, 39 BCE.
[2] Octavian, later Augustus (alpha 4412, kappa 1197), is meant.
[3] Better known as Menodorus, a slippery character who was killed in 35 BCE; see OCD4 s.v. For Sextus Pompey and "Menas" cf. tau 106.
[4] See again sigma 1056.
The story famously appears in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, Act II, Scene vii, ll.
Keywords: biography; ethics; food; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Oliver Phillips ✝ on 13 February 2001@20:45:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keynote; cosmetics) on 14 February 2001@03:15:33.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 14 May 2004@03:46:27.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 13 April 2010@08:39:37.
Catharine Roth (deleted link) on 19 August 2013@23:45:35.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 9 October 2013@07:42:07.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@06:21:30.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 January 2015@03:53:17.


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