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Search results for pi,1720 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ple/qron
Adler number: pi,1720
Translated headword: plethron
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the sixth part of a stade, which is [to say] 68 cubits; for the entire stade is four hundred.[1] Or having 38 feet all round.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'plethron-sized distance'.[3]
[Note] that the plethron has 100 feet.[4]
Xenophon says that date-palms plethron-sized or larger grow in Babylon.[5]
[sc. The length] of a stade [is] 400 cubits.
[Note] that the city of Athens gave the daughters of Aristides in marriage, and granted to his son Lysimachus 2 drachmas a day and made a gift of 50 plethra of planted land and 100 of arable.[6]
Greek Original:
*ple/qron: to\ tou= stadi/ou e(/kton me/ros, o(/per e)sti\ phxw=n ch#: o(/lon ga\r to\ sta/dio/n e)sti tetrakosi/wn. h)\ pantaxo/qen e)/xon po/das lh#. kai\ *pleqriai=on dia/sthma. o(/ti to\ ple/qron e)/xei po/das r#. *cenofw=n fhsi pleqriai/ous foi/nikas fu/esqai e)n *babulw=ni h)\ kai\ mei/zonas. stadi/ou phxw=n u#. o(/ti e)ce/dwken h( po/lis *)aqhnai/wn ta\s qugate/ras *)aristei/dou, kai\ *lusima/xw| tw=| paidi\ b# draxma\s th=s h(me/ras e)di/dou kai\ gh=s pefuteume/nhs e)dwrh/sato n# ple/qra kai\ a)rosi/mhs r#.
The plethron was a measure of both length (100 feet) and area (10,000 square feet): see LSJ s.v. The initial figures here are therefore confusing; see further in the next two notes.
[1] Entry thus far = Photius pi928, where Theodoridis (following Dindorf) notes that '68' needs to be corrected to 66; cf. under pi 1719; also that Coraes wanted to add 'and two-thirds'.
[2] In this addendum, not in Photius, the transmitted '38' cannot be right; Adler notes Hultsch's proposed emendation to 10,000.
[3] Presumably quoted from somewhere but not otherwise extant.
[4] cf. sigma 981.
[5] Xenophon, Cyropaedia 7.5.11; cf. kappa 313.
[6] Perhaps Aelian (so Adler); cf. in any event Plutarch, Aristides 27.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; definition; economics; geography; historiography; history; science and technology; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 April 2010@09:52:13.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 15 April 2010@17:07:14.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; another note) on 16 April 2010@03:18:32.
David Whitehead on 6 October 2013@07:07:44.
David Whitehead (another note) on 26 March 2014@10:58:35.


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