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Headword: *frugi/los o)/rnis, tou= *filh/monos ge/nous
Adler number: phi,751
Translated headword: chaffinch bird of the family of Philemon
Vetting Status: high
*frugi/los ["chaffinch"] [is] a name of a bird. Philemon is being lampooned as a Phrygian and a foreigner and a Carian. Aristophanes says [this phrase].
Greek Original:
*frugi/los o)/rnis, tou= *filh/monos ge/nous. frugi/los, o)/noma o)rne/ou. o( de\ *filh/mwn kwmw|dei=tai w(s *fru\c kai\ ce/nos kai\ *ka/r. *)aristofa/nhs fhsi/.
The headword phrase is an abridgement (omitting the phrase e)nqa/d' e)/stai "here will be") of Aristophanes, Birds 763, and the comments here approximate those of the scholia (though the addition of "Carian" in the Suda seems to be an accretion from commentary to the following line where Carian ethnicity is mentioned without reference to Philemon). The humor in the present line depends on the similarity between the words for Phrygian (fru=c) and the word for chaffinch (frugi/los).
See also sigma 946, phi 773.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; geography; poetry; politics; science and technology; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 5 February 2014@13:46:54.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 6 February 2014@03:34:49.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 30 March 2023@19:20:49.


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