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Headword: *filo/stratos
Adler number: phi,423
Translated headword: Philostratus, Philostratos
Vetting Status: high
Son of Nervianus (the nephew of the second Philostratus); of Lemnos. Also himself a sophist. He taught in Athens, but died and was buried in Lemnos. He was a pupil and son-in-law of the second Philostratus. He wrote Images; Panathenaicus; Troicus; Paraphrase of Homer's Shield; 5 declamations. Some also attribute the Lives of the Sophists to him.
Greek Original:
*filo/stratos, *nerbianou=, a)delfo/paidos *filostra/tou tou= deute/rou, *lh/mnios, kai\ au)to\s sofisth/s: kai\ paideu/sas e)n *)aqh/nais, teleuth/sas de\ kai\ tafei\s e)n *lh/mnw|, a)kousth/s te kai\ gambro\s gegonw\s tou= deute/rou *filostra/tou. e)/grayen *ei)ko/nas, *panaqhnai+ko/n, *trwi+ko/n, *para/frasin th=s *(omh/rou *)aspi/dos, mele/tas e#, tine\s de\ kai\ tou\s tw=n sofistw=n bi/ous e)p' au)to\n a)nafe/rousi.
RE Philostratos(10). For the great-uncle and father-in-law see [phi 421] Philostratus.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; geography; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 March 1999@16:31:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 6 September 2002@10:45:06.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 December 2013@03:48:57.
David Whitehead on 11 December 2014@02:44:34.


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