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Headword: *fi/lippos
Adler number: phi,354
Translated headword: Philippos, Philippus, Philip
Vetting Status: high
[Philip] the king, after defeating the Athenians at the battle of Chaeronea[1] accomplished more through the fairness and humanity of his character than through force of arms. For by war and arms he prevailed over and made himself master only of those Athenians who opposed him on the battlefield, but by his conciliatory spirit and moderation he at one and the same time held all Athenians in his power and their city as well. He did not through blind passion attempt to add to his achievements but he prosecuted the war and contended for the victory only until such time as he had the opportunity to display his clemency and noble spirit. With this in mind he dismissed the prisoners without ransom, performed funeral rites for the Athenian dead, even entrusting their bones to Antipater (for return to Athens), provided clothing for most of those he set free, and so achieved the best outcome through intelligent policy. For having countered the pride of the Athenians by his magnanimous behavior he retained their ready allegiance in all things instead of their enmity.
Greek Original:
*fi/lippos o( basileu\s nikh/sas *)aqhnai/ous th\n e)n *xairwnei/a| ma/xhn ou) tosou=ton h)/nuse dia\ tw=n o(/plwn o(/son dia\ th=s e)pieikei/as kai\ filanqrwpi/as tw=n tro/pwn: tw=| me\n ga\r pole/mw| kai\ toi=s o(/plois au)tw=n mo/nwn periege/neto kai\ ku/rios kate/sth tw=n a)ntitacame/nwn, th=| d' eu)gnwmosu/nh| kai\ metrio/thti pa/ntas *)aqhnai/ous a(/ma kai\ th\n po/lin au)tw=n e)/sxen u(poxei/rion, ou)k e)pimetrw=n tw=| qumw=| toi=s prattome/nois, a)lla\ me/xri tou/tou polemw=n kai\ filoneikw=n e(/ws tou= labei=n a)forma\s pro\s a)po/deicin th=s au)tou= prao/thtos kai\ kalokagaqi/as. toigarou=n xwri\s lu/trwn a)postei/las tou\s ai)xmalw/tous kai\ khdeu/sas tw=n *)aqhnai/wn tou\s teteleuthko/tas, e)/ti de\ kai\ sunqei\s *)antipa/trw| ta\ tou/twn o)sta= kai\ tw=n a)pallattome/nwn tou\s plei/stous a)mfie/sas, dia\ th\n a)gxi/noian megi/sthn pra=cin a)peirga/sato: to\ ga\r *)aqhnai/wn fro/nhma kataplhca/menos th=| megaloyuxi/a| pro\s pa=n e(toi/mous au)tou\s e)/sxe sunagwnista\s a)nti\ polemi/wn.
From Polybius 5.10.1-5; cf. 22.16.2 (Loeb); Diodorus Siculus 16.87.3; Justin 9.4.4.
On King Philip II of Macedon (reigned 359-336 BCE) see generally A.B. Bosworth in OCD4 1128, s.v. Philip(1); Wikipedia entry at web address 1.
[1] August 338 BCE.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 6 November 1999@21:43:12.
Vetted by:
Edmund P. Cueva on 14 March 2000@07:02:07.
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 20 December 2002@03:35:51.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 10 December 2013@05:40:53.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 7 August 2014@02:52:51.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 21 February 2023@00:46:34.


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