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Headword: *fa/sis
Adler number: phi,126
Translated headword: denunciation, phasis
Vetting Status: high
It is a term used of a public prosecution [sc. in classical Athens], whenever someone reports someone for possessing public property which he has not bought; it also a term used of orphaned households. For when the trustees do not lease out the house of those in whose name they are acting, anyone who wishes denounces him to the archon, so that leasing can occur; and he also denounces him if the lease brings in less than the property is worth. Accordingly, for the first kind there is evidence to be found in both Dinarchus and Demosthenes,[1] while as regards the denunciation concerning orphaned households [the evidence is] in Lysias, In Reply to the Denunciation of the Orphaned Household.[2]
Greek Original:
*fa/sis: le/getai me\n kai\ e)pi\ dhmosi/ou e)gklh/matos, o(/tan tis a)pofai/nh| ti tw=n dhmosi/wn e)/xonta/ tina mh\ pria/menon, le/getai de\ kai\ e)pi\ tw=n o)rfanikw=n oi)/kwn. o(/te ga\r mh\ e)kmisqw/saien oi( e)pi/tropoi to\n oi)=kon tw=n e)pitropeuome/nwn, e)/fainen au)to\n o( boulo/menos pro\s to\n a)/rxonta, i(/na misqwqh=|: e)/faine de\ kai\ ei) e)la/ttonos h)\ kata\ th\n a)ci/an memi/sqwto. tou= me\n ou)=n prote/rou ta\ martu/ria e)/nestin eu(rei=n para/ te *deina/rxw| kai\ *dhmosqe/nei, th=s de\ peri\ tw=n o)rfanikw=n oi)/kwn fa/sews para\ *lusi/a| *pro\s th\n fa/sin tou= o)rfanikou= oi)/kou.
cf. phi 122 and phi 125 (end). The present entry comes from Harpokration s.v.
[1] Dinarchus fr. 41 Conomis; Demosthenes 25.78, 58.5, etc.(web addresses 1 and 2).
[2] Lysias fr. 209 Sauppe (now 262 Carey OCT).
S.C. Todd, The Shape of Athenian Law (Oxford 1993) 119
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 November 2001@07:23:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 6 September 2002@12:47:19.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added links; added italics) on 11 December 2003@20:31:36.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 13 July 2011@10:04:33.
David Whitehead on 4 December 2013@08:14:43.


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