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Headword: *oi)=nos
Adler number: omicroniota,135
Translated headword: wine
Vetting Status: high
It was named from Oineus: "Oineus having pressed it in hollow goblets called it wine."[1] Plato says that it is sense-supposing, because it fills our mind full of supposition.[2] Alternatively it is named from benefit [onesis]; Homer [says]: "You will benefit, if you drink."[3] And [he calls] food oneiata from it benefitting us. The poet of the Cypria says: "Surely, Menelaus, the gods made wine best for mortal men to scatter their sorrows."[4] The lines of Eubulus on wine: "For I mix only three kraters for the ones thinking well; one is the krater of health, which they drink from first; the second is of love and pleasure; the third is of sleep; drinking from which those who are called wise walk home; the fourth is no longer ours, but is of hubris; the fifth is of shouting; the sixth is of revel; the seventh is of black eyes, the eighth is of a summoner; the ninth is of bile; the tenth is of madness; so that it makes them throw it out. For much wine poured into one vessel upsets the ones who drank it."[5] And Epicharmus [says]: "out of sacrifice comes feast, and out of feast, drink. [...] Out of drink, revelling; out of revelling, swinishness, and out of swinishness a lawsuit; [...] out of a conviction [sc. in court], chains and gangrene and fines."[6] And Panyassis [says]: "For wine is a benefit equal to fire for men on Earth, a good thing keeping away the bad, a companion to all sorrow."[7]
"There was also barley wine in kraters; in it there was also barley itself level with the brim."[8]
Greek Original:
*oi)=nos: w)noma/sqh a)po\ *oi)ne/ws: *oi)neu\s d' e)n koi/loisin a)poqli/yas depa/essin oi)=non e)/klhse. *pla/twn de\ oi)o/noun au)to/n fhsin, dia\ to\ oi)h/sews to\n nou=n h(mw=n e)mpipla=n: h)\ a)po\ th=s o)nh/sews: *(/omhros: o)nh/seai, ai)/ke pi/hsqa. kai\ ta\ brw/mata o)nei/ata a)po\ tou= o)ni/skein h(ma=s. o( de\ *ku/prios poihth/s fhsin: oi)=no/n toi, *mene/lae, qeoi\ poi/hsan a)/riston qnhtoi=s a)nqrw/poisin a)poskeda/sai meledw=nas. *eu)bou/lou sti/xoi ei)s oi)=non: trei=s ga\r mo/nous krath=ras e)gkerannu/w toi=s eu)= fronou=si: to\n me\n u(gei/as e(/na, o(\n prw=ton e)kpi/nousi: to\n de\ deu/teron e)/rwtos h(donh=s te: to\n tri/ton d' u(/pnou: o(\n e)kpio/ntes oi( sofoi\ keklhme/noi oi)/kade badi/zousin: o( de\ te/tartos ou)ke/ti h(me/tero/s e)stin, a)ll' u(/brews: o( de\ pe/mptos boh=s: e(/ktos de\ kw/mwn: e(/bdomos d' u(pwpi/wn: o)/gdoos klh/toros: o( d' e)/natos xolh=s: de/katos de\ mani/as: w(/s t' e)kba/llein poiei=. polu\s ga\r ei)s e(\n a)ggei=on xuqei\s u(poskeli/zei tou\s pepwko/tas. kai\ *)epi/xarmos: e)k me\n qusi/as qoi/nh, e)k de\ qoi/nhs po/sis e)ge/neto. e)k po/sios kw=mos: e)k kw/mou quani/a, e)k de\ quani/as di/kh: e)k de\ katadi/khs pe/dai te kai\ sfa/kelos kai\ zhmi/a. kai\ *panu/assis: oi)=nos ga\r puri\ i)=son e)pixqoni/oisin o)/neiar, e)sqlo\n d' a)leci/kakon, pa/sh| sunophdo\n a)ni/h|. h)=n de\ kai\ oi)=nos kri/qinos e)n krath=rsin: e)nh=san de\ kai\ au)tai\ ai( kriqai\ i)soxeilei=s.
With the exception of the final paragraph (for which see n.8 below) this material comes from Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 2.35A-37A (2.1-4 Kaibel).
[1] Nicander of Colophon (nu 374) fr.86 Schneider.
[2] Plato, Cratylus 406C, with wordplay on the noun oinos and the adjective oionous.
[3] Homer, Iliad 7.260.
[4] Cypria fr. 17.1-2 Allen.
[5] Eubulus fr. 94 Kock (now 93 Kassel-Austin).
[6] An abridgement of Epicharmus fr. 148 Kaibel (now 146 Kassel-Austin). "Gangrene" should be "stocks" (sphalos rather than sphakelos).
[7] Panyassis fr. 12.13-13 Matthews.
[8] Xenophon, Anabasis 4.5.26; cf. iota 674.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; historiography; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: Jennifer Brown on 1 May 2002@20:58:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes; augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 2 May 2002@04:37:45.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks) on 11 August 2011@08:03:28.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 7 August 2013@06:36:37.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 4 November 2014@22:56:36.
David Whitehead (updated n.6) on 21 December 2014@11:06:55.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 December 2014@08:15:22.


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