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Search results for omicroniota,121 in Adler number:
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Headword: *oi)no/h th\n xara/dran
Adler number: omicroniota,121
Translated headword: Oinoe (created) the torrent
Vetting Status: high
[This is said] whenever someone does something to his own detriment; for Oinoe is a deme of Attica,[1] the members of which diverted the course of a torrent which was approaching them into their own territory. The torrent grew large, ruined their agriculture and destroyed their houses.[2] It is similar to: 'the Karpathian [and] the hare'.[3] For they say that because there were no hares on Karpathos they introduced some for breeding purposes; and the result was that hares became so numerous that they did serious damage to their crops.
Greek Original:
*oi)no/h th\n xara/dran: o(/tan kaq' e(autou= ti/s ti poih=|: h( ga\r *oi)no/h dh=mo/s e)sti th=s *)attikh=s: oi(/tines ferome/nhn u(pe\r au)tw=n xara/dran pare/treyan ei)s th\n e(autw=n xw/ran. pollh\ de\ h( xara/dra genome/nh e)lumh/nato au)tw=n ta\ gew/rgia kai\ ta\s oi)ki/as kaqei=len. o(/moion de\ tw=|: o( *karpa/qios to\n lagw|o/n. fasi\ ga\r dia\ to\ mh\ ei)=nai ei)s *ka/rpaqon lagw|ou\s e)pikomi/sasqai/ tina w(s ei)s e)pige/nnhma: a)f' w(=n tosou/tous gene/sqai, w(s kai\ tou\s karpou\s au)tw=n xalepw=s bla/ptein.
For this proverb in the paroemiographers see e.g. Zenobius 5.29.
[1] There were actually two Attic demes of this name, one (present-day Myopolis) in tribe VIII Hippothontis and a larger one (present-day Ninoi) in IX Aiantis. See generally J.S. Traill, The Political Organization of Attica (Princeton 1975) 52 and 53; D. Whitehead, The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) index s.v.; and omicroniota 122.
[2] See already omicroniota 108.
[3] See already omicron 105.
Keywords: aetiology; agriculture; daily life; ethics; food; geography; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 October 2001@06:57:08.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 16 August 2003@22:29:26.
David Whitehead (added keywords) on 17 August 2003@05:59:47.
David Whitehead (added x-ref) on 17 August 2003@06:01:33.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 2 October 2005@11:27:45.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 11 August 2011@07:47:53.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2013@05:55:04.
David Whitehead on 26 March 2021@04:46:19.


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