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Headword: *)orgew=nes
Adler number: omicron,511
Translated headword: orgeones
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] those who 'orgize' to privately established gods. To 'orgize' is to perform the 'orgia' of the gods, that is, mysteries[1] and usages. [Book] 4 of Laws [says]: "No internal acquisition of shrines in private houses. He that is shown to have acquired additional ones and to be "orgizing", other than the public [cults]."[2] Seleukos in his Memorandum of Solon's Axones[3] says that those holding gatherings about certain heroes or gods are called orgeones. Then, by transference, they call the priests by this name too. At any rate Antimachos in Lyde [writes]: "by descent Kabarnians, he made them renowned orgeones".[4] Similarly Aeschylus in Mysians, addressing the priest of Kaikos: "Hail, first orgeon of the river Kaikos, may you save the masters with Paionian prayers".[5] About the orgeones Philochoros, too, has written:[6] "compulsory for the phratores to accept both the orgeones and the homogalaktes, whom we call gennetai".[7]
Greek Original:
*)orgew=nes: oi( toi=s i)di/a| a)fidrume/nois qeoi=s o)rgia/zontes. o)rgia/zein de/ e)sti ta\ tw=n qew=n o)/rgia telei=n, toute/sti musth/ria kai\ no/mima. *no/mwn d#: mh\ kekth=sqai e)/sw e)n i)di/ais oi)ki/ais i(era/. to\n de\ fane/nta kekthme/non e(/tera kai\ o)rgia/zonta plh\n ta\ dhmo/sia. *se/leukos d' e)n tw=| u(pomnh/mati tw=n *so/lwnos *)aco/nwn o)rgew=na/s fhsi kalei=sqai tou\s sullo/gous e)/xontas peri/ tinas h(/rwas h)\ qeou/s. h)/dh de\ metafe/rontes kai\ tou\s i(ere/as ou(/tw kalou=sin. o( gou=n *)anti/maxos e)n th=| *lu/dh|: genea=| *kaba/rnous qh=ken a)bakle/as o)rgew=nas. kai\ oi(=on o( *ai)sxu/los e)n *musoi=s, to\n i(ere/a tou= *kai/+kou prosagoreu/wn: potamou= *kai/+kou xai=re prw=tos o)rgew/n, eu)xai=s de\ sw/sois despo/tas paiwni/ais. peri\ de\ tw=n o)rgew/nwn ge/grafe kai\ *filo/xoros: tou\s de\ fra/toras e)pa/nagkes de/xesqai kai\ tou\s o)rgew=nas kai\ tou\s o(moga/laktas, ou(\s gennh/tas kalou=men.
See also omicron 509, omicron 510, omicron 512. The present entry is also in Photius (Lexicon omicron439 Theodoridis, with other references there).
[1] cf. omicron 515.
[2] Actually Book 10, section 910B, of Plato's Laws (web address 1, cf. omicron 516). Possibly delta here stands for deka/tw|, 'tenth' (so Ruhnken), rather than for numeric '4'.
[3] FGrH 341 F1. (For Seleukos see generally sigma 200.)
[4] Antimachus [alpha 2681] fr.67 Wyss (and West), line 1. Elsewhere this is quoted with e)/nqa instead of gene/a| and o)rgeiw=nas instead of o)rgew=nas, making a hexameter.
[5] Aeschylus fr. 413a (144 Radt), lines 6-7. (For the river Kaikos, cf. kappa 1166.)
[6] FGrH 328 F35a.
[7] These obscure kinship (or fictive kinship) groups of classical Athens are discussed by Andrewes 1961 and Lambert 1998; cf. gamma 147.
Andrewes, A. (1961), 'Philochoros on phratries', Journal of Hellenic Studies, 81: 1-15
P. Foucart, Les Associations religieuses chez les Grecs, Paris 1873
M. Guarducci, Orgeones e tiasoti, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione classica 13 (1935) 332-340
W.S. Ferguson, The Attic Orgeones, "Harvard Theological Review" 37 (1944) 73-79
N.I. Pantazopoulos, Orgeones. Paratereseis eis ta neotera epigraphica euremata kai tas pegas katholou tou Attikou somateiakou dikaiou, Polemon 3 (1948) 97-128
S.D. Lambert, The Phratries of Attica, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1993
Y. Ustinova, Orgeones in Phratries: a mechanism of social integration in Attica, Kernos 9 (1996) 227-242
R.C.T. Parker, s.v. Orgeones in Oxford Classical Dictionary, Eds. S. Hornblower and A. Spawforth (New York 1996), 1074
N.F. Jones, The Associations of Classical Athens: The Response to Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; law; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 26 October 2002@13:33:30.
Vetted by:
D. Graham J. Shipley (Italics) on 26 October 2002@13:34:47.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 27 October 2002@04:24:25.
Antonella Ippolito (added bibliography) on 12 April 2005@18:05:31.
David Whitehead (augmented primary note; tweaks and cosmetics) on 7 July 2013@06:32:00.
David Whitehead on 7 July 2013@06:42:18.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 September 2013@06:04:28.
David Whitehead (coding) on 20 May 2016@03:42:33.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticules) on 31 January 2021@22:06:24.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 3 February 2021@00:34:34.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 3 February 2021@00:36:53.
Ronald Allen (added cross-reference n.5) on 3 February 2021@13:08:49.


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