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Headword: *(omolw/i+os
Adler number: omicron,275
Translated headword: Homoloios
Vetting Status: high
[An epithet of] Zeus in Thebes and in other Boeotian city-states and in Thessaly; [the name comes] from the expoundress[1] Homoloa, the daughter of Enyis; she was sent as expoundress to Delphi, as Aristophanes [says] in book 2 of his History of Thebes.[2] But Istros in the twelfth book of his Collection [says that the name arose] because of the fact that amongst Aeolians concord and peacefulness is called homolon.[3] There is also a Demeter Homoloia in Thebes.
Greek Original:
*(omolw/i+os: *zeu\s e)n *qh/bais kai\ e)n a)/llais po/lesi *boiwtikai=s kai\ e)n *qessali/a|: a)po\ *(omolw/|as profh/tidos, th=s *)enue/ws: h(\n profh=tin ei)s *delfou\s pemfqh=nai, w(s *)aristofa/nhs e)n b# *qhbai+kw=n. *)/istros de\ e)n th=| dwdeka/th| th=s *sunagwgh=s, dia\ to\ par' *ai)oleu=si to\ o(monohtiko\n kai\ ei)rhniko\n o(/molon le/gesqai. e)/sti de\ kai\ *dhmh/thr *(omolwi/+a e)n *qh/bais.
Also in Photius (omicron298 Theodoridis); cf. e.g. Hesychius omicron777, Stephanus of Byzantium s.v. Homole; Apostolius 12.67.
[1] Of Apollo in this case; a.k.a. the Pythia (pi 3127, pi 3129, pi 3137, pi 3138).
[2] FGrH 379 F2 -- i.e. rejecting the suggestion of Thomas Reinesius (1587-1667), applauded by Adler, that the Suda's 'Aristophanes' is a mistake for Aristodemus (FGrH 383).
[3] FGrH 334 F5.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 February 2007@06:45:52.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 2 February 2007@11:05:04.
David Whitehead (added missing note number; augmented notes and keywords) on 3 February 2007@04:43:07.
David Whitehead on 25 June 2013@08:35:27.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 3 April 2014@04:59:59.


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