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Headword: *ma/gnhs
Adler number: mu,21
Translated headword: Magnes
Vetting Status: high
[Magnes], a man from Smyrna,[1] beautiful in appearance -- none more so -- and expert in both poetry and music; he also kept his body appropriately adorned, clothed in purple and wearing his hair piled-up in a gold band;[2] and he used to go around the cities displaying his poetry. Many others were enamoured of him, but Gyges in particular[3] was on fire for him and kept him as a boy-friend. But it drove all the women wild, where Magnes was, especially those of the Magnesians,[4] and he was intimate with them. Their[5] relatives were vexed at the shame, and making a pretence that in his poems Magnes had sung of the bravery of Lydians in a cavalry-battle against Amazons,[6] while saying nothing of them, they grasped and tore off his clothing and cut off his hair and applied every [possible] humiliation. Gyges was very angry about this: he made frequent invasions into the Magnesians' territory, and in the end took their city; and on returning to Sardis he created magnificent festivals.
Greek Original:
*ma/gnhs, a)nh\r *smurnai=os, kalo\s th\n i)de/an, ei)/ tis kai\ a)/llos, poih/sei te kai\ mousikh=| do/kimos: h)/skhto de\ kai\ to\ sw=ma diaprepei= ko/smw|, a(lourgh= a)mpexo/menos kai\ ko/mhn tre/fwn xrusw=| stro/fw| kekorumbwme/nhn: perih/|ei te ta\s po/leis e)pideiknu/menos th\n poi/hsin. tou/tou de\ kai\ a)/lloi me\n polloi\ h)/rwn, *gu/ghs de\ kai\ ma=llo/n ti e)fle/geto kai\ au)to\n ei)=xe paidika/. gunai=ka/s ge mh\n pa/sas e)ce/mhnen, e)/nqa e)ge/neto o( *ma/gnhs, ma/lista de\ ta\s *magnhtw=n, kai\ sunh=n au)tai=s. oi( de\ tou/tou suggenei=s a)xqo/menoi e)pi\ th=| ai)sxu/nh|, pro/fasin poihsa/menoi o(/ti e)n toi=s e)/pesin h)=|sen o( *ma/gnhs *ludw=n a)ristei/an e)n i(ppomaxi/a| pro\s *)amazo/nas, au)tw=n de\ ou)de\n e)mnh/sqh, e)pai/+cantes perikate/rrhcan te th\n e)sqh=ta kai\ ta\s ko/mas e)ce/keiran kai\ pa=san lw/bhn prose/qesan. e)f' oi(=s h)/lghse ma/lista *gu/ghs kai\ polla/kis me\n ei)s th\n *magnhtw=n gh=n e)ne/bale, te/los de\ kai\ xeirou=tai th\n po/lin: e)panelqw\n de\ e)s *sa/rdeis panhgu/reis e)poih/sato megaloprepei=s.
Nicolaus of Damascus FGrH 90 F62.
[1] On the coast of Asia Minor; present-day Izmir.
[2] cf. kappa 2124, sigma 1221.
[3] For Gyges, king of Lydia, see gamma 472.
[4] There were several cities called Magnesia (mu 22, cf. mu 24); the one in this anecdote is presumably Magnesia-ad-Sipylum, not far from Smyrna.
[5] Adler prints tou/tou ('his'), without comment; Jacoby was surely right to prefer tou/twn, from some of the mss of Nicolaus.
[6] On Amazons cf. e.g. alpha 1465, theta 368, omicron 659, and see generally Ken Dowden in OCD(4) s.v.
Keywords: biography; clothing; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 May 2008@07:56:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 8 May 2008@09:36:07.
David Whitehead (more notes; tweaks) on 8 May 2008@09:55:47.
David Whitehead (more x-refs; another keyword) on 9 May 2008@08:48:10.
David Whitehead on 25 April 2013@03:59:10.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@06:09:06.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 27 June 2020@17:01:58.


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