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Headword: *margi/ths
Adler number: mu,187
Translated headword: Margites
Vetting Status: high
A man made fun of for stupidity. [It is he] who they say was unable to count beyond 5; who took his bride home but did not touch her, instead being frightened and saying she might slander him to her mother; who did not know, and as a young man already asked his mother, whether he had been sired by his own father.
Greek Original:
*margi/ths: a)nh\r e)pi\ mwri/a| kwmw|dou/menos. o(/n fasin a)riqmh=sai me\n mh\ plei/w tw=n e# dunhqh=nai: nu/mfhn de\ a)go/menon mh\ a(/yasqai au)th=s, a)lla\ fobei=sqai le/gonta, mh\ th=| mhtri\ au)to\n diaba/lh|: a)gnoei=n de\ neani/an h)/dh gegenhme/non kai\ punqa/nesqai th=s mhtro/s, ei)/ge a)po\ tou= au(tou= patro\s e)te/xqh.
Also in Photius (mu106 Theodoridis).
The name Margites is used of both proverbal madmen and proverbial simpletons (mu 185), and at gamma 118 the present material attaches to someone called (apparently) Melitides.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; mathematics; proverbs; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 February 2007@07:51:47.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 13 February 2007@17:59:33.
David Whitehead (typo) on 14 February 2007@04:17:26.
David Whitehead on 6 May 2013@07:54:08.


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