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Headword: *mikro\n tou= o)bolou=
Adler number: mu,1050
Translated headword: expensive, pricey
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning something] prized/valued. It is also said of knaves. Eupolis in Maricas [writes]: "for it is [sc. a characteristic] of knaves [to be] expensive/pricey."[1]
Greek Original:
*mikro\n tou= o)bolou=: ti/mion. le/getai de\ e)pi\ tw=n ponhrw=n. *eu)/polis *marika=|: tw=n ga\r ponhrw=n mikro\n e)pi\ tou= o)bolou=.
Same entry in Photius (mu451 Theodoridis). The headword phrase, which has no one-word equivalent in English, literally means 'small [ = something of which one only gets a little] at an obol'.
[1] Eupolis fr. 185 Kock (198 K.-A.), which, to be metrical, needs e)sti toubolou= for Photius' and the Suda's e)pi\ tou= o)bolou=.
Keywords: comedy; definition; economics; ethics; meter and music
Translated by: Max Eager on 25 June 2009@12:25:59.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified tr; augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 26 June 2009@03:16:32.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 22 May 2013@09:14:25.


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