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Headword: *lu/gisma
Adler number: lambda,772
Translated headword: sprain
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a base sound, a disgusting song; [that is] what Alexandrians say.[1]
[sc. Also attested is the related verb] lugi/zei ["he/she/it twists"].[2] "But he was turning songs, as many as Nero was twisting and torturing."[3]
Greek Original:
*lu/gisma: ai)sxra\ fwnh/, bdeluro\n a)=|sma: o(\ le/gousin *)alecandrei=s. *lugi/zei. o( de\ e)/kampten w)|da/s, o(po/sas o( *ne/rwn e)lu/gize/ te kai\ e)/strefe.
The headword, a neuter noun (again lambda 773), is primarily a medical term (see LSJ s.v.); as such it appears in Galen several times as well as in Dioscorides Pedanius and others; but see further, next note.
[1] cf. iota 83, where i)/gdisma (sic: "pounding; a dance in which the loins were moved like a pestle": LSJ s.v. at web address 1) is glossed as lo/gisma ("reckoning") but the variant lu/gisma seems more likely. See also the entry for i)/gdisma in ps.-Zonaras iota1085: lu/gisma o)rxhstiko\n, e)n w(=| e)lu/gizon th\n o)sfu\n e)mferw=s tw=| doi/duki. "A twisting dance, in which they used to twist the groin similarly to a pestle." lu/gisma and a)=|sma appear together at Gregory of Nazianzus, Against Julian 2.5 (PG 35,709: a)nala/bwmen u(/mnous a)nti\ tumpa/nwn, yalmw|di/an a)nti\ tw=n ai)sxrw=n lugisma/twn te kai\ a)|sma/twn, "let us take up hymns instead of kettledrums, harp-playing instead of the base sprains and songs."
[2] Also in Photius (lambda429 Theodoridis); evidently quoted from somewhere. For this verb cf. in any event lambda 771.
[3] Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.39 (also at kappa 294). Note that in that text the quotation is slightly different: ...o(po/sas *ne/rwn e)lu/gize/ te kai\ kakw=s e)/strefen, "... as many as Nero was twisting and badly torturing."
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; medicine; meter and music; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Kyle Helms on 30 June 2009@00:04:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 June 2009@04:06:44.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 22 April 2013@09:51:54.


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