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Adler number: lambda,329
Translated headword: Lucius, Leukios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Lucius,] "son of Demaratus the Corinthian.[1] This man marched into Rome having confidence in himself and his money, convinced that he would have a position second to none in the state on account of certain resources, having a wife[2] who was useful in other areas and [especially] as a natural partner for every sort of practical undertaking. Coming into Rome and obtaining citizenship, he immediately adapted himself to flattery of the king. Quickly adapting to the leader on account of his wealth and his natural tact and especially his education since childhood, he met with great favour and trust from him. As time went by, he came to such a degree of approval that he lived with Marcius[3] and helped him manage affairs throughout the kingdom. Getting on the good side of everyone in these things and helping and always providing something useful for those who asked, and at the same time using the resources of his livelihood generously every time and seasonably for what was needed, he stored up gratitude among many and among all he procured support and reputation for nobility, and he obtained the kingship."
Greek Original:*leu/kios, *dhmara/tou tou= *korinqi/ou ui(o/s. ou(=tos ei)s *(rw/mhn w(/rmhse pisteu/wn au(tw=| te kai\ toi=s xrh/masi, pepeisme/nos ou)deno\s e)/latton e(/cein e)n th=| politei/a| dia/ tinas a)forma/s, e)/xwn gunai=ka xrhsi/mhn ta/ t' a)/lla kai\ pro\s pa=san e)pibolh\n pragmatikh\n eu)fua= sunergo/n. parageno/menos de\ ei)s th\n *(rw/mhn kai\ tuxw\n th=s politei/as eu)qe/ws h(rmo/sato pro\s th\n tou= basile/ws a)re/skeian. taxu\ de\ kai\ dia\ th\n xorhgi/an kai\ dia\ th\n th=s fu/sews e)pidecio/thta kai\ ma/lista dia\ th\n e)k pai/dwn a)gwgh\n a(rmo/sas tw=| proestw=ti mega/lhs a)podoxh=s e)/tuxe kai\ pi/stews par' au)tw=|. xro/nou de\ proi+o/ntos e)s tou=to h)=lqe paradoxh=s w(/ste sunoikei=n kai\ sugxeiri/zein tw=| *marki/w| ta\ kata\ th\n basilei/an. e)n de\ tou/tois e)p' a)gaqw=| pa=si geno/menos kai\ sunergw=n kai\ sugkataskeua/zwn toi=s deome/nois a)ei/ ti tw=n xrhsi/mwn, a(/ma de\ kai\ th=| tou= bi/ou xorhgi/a| megaloyu/xws ei)s to\ de/on e(ka/stote kai\ su\n kairw=| xrw/menos, e)n polloi=s me\n a)peti/qeto xa/rin, e)n pa=si d' eu)/noian e)neirga/sato kai\ fh/mhn e)pi\ kaloka)gaqi/a, kai\ th=s basilei/as e)/tuxe.
Polybius 6.11a.7 (not included in Loeb/Perseus edition); cf. Livy 1.34 (web address 1).
[1] This is Lucius Tarquinius
Priscus (whose Etruscan name, according to Livy, was Lucumo), the legendary fifth king of Rome (616-579 trad.). See T.J. Cornell in OCD(4) s.v. Tarquinius
Priscus, Lucius. See also
sigma 361.
[2] Tanaquil; cf. Livy 1.34 (web address 1).
[3] Ancus Marcius, the legendary fourth king of Rome (640-617 trad.).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mythology; politics; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 April 2008@07:30:40.
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