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Headword: *kata\ th\n a)gora\n a)yeudei=n
Adler number: kappa,820
Translated headword: no lying in the agora
Vetting Status: high
There seems to be a law, relating to goods on sale,[1] which prohibits lying in the agora. At any rate, Theophrastus in his [volumes] On Laws says: "the market-commissioners had two of these responsibilities, [ensuring] good order in the agora and [seeing] that there was no lying, on the part of not only the sellers but the buyers too."[2]
Greek Original:
*kata\ th\n a)gora\n a)yeudei=n: e)/oike no/mos peri\ w)ni/wn kei=tai, o(\s keleu/ei a)yeudei=n e)n th=| a)gora=|. *qeo/frastos gou=n e)n toi=s peri\ no/mwn fhsi/: duoi=n tou/twn e)pimelei=sqai dei=n tou\s a)gorano/mous, th=s te e)n th=| a)gora=| eu)kosmi/as kai\ tou= a)yeudei=n mh\ mo/non tou\s pipra/skontas, a)lla\ kai\ tou\s w)noume/nous.
Abridged from Harpokration (and Photius) s.v., commenting on the appearance of a similar phrase in Hyperides, Against Athenogenes 14.
[1] The abridgement has made the Greek here ungrammatical: the clause has two main verbs. I have translated what it sought to say rather than what it actually does.
[2] Theophrastus fr. 20 Szegedy-Maszak (app. 651 FHS&G). For market-commissioners (agoranomoi) cf. alpha 302.
D. Whitehead (ed.), Hypereides: the forensic speeches (Oxford 2000) 307-309
Keywords: daily life; economics; ethics; law; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 November 2000@04:26:08.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Cosmetics; set status) on 9 September 2003@11:04:59.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; added bibliography; cosmetics) on 10 September 2003@02:57:00.
David Whitehead on 10 September 2003@02:58:08.
David Mirhady on 25 July 2008@12:33:54.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks) on 11 July 2011@04:53:12.
David Whitehead on 6 February 2013@04:59:46.


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