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Headword: *ka/ndulos
Adler number: kappa,303
Translated headword: kandulos, kandylos
Vetting Status: high
A dish prepared with honey and milk; as also sour-sauce[1] restraining a dish.[2]
See also in the [entry for] a)kro/drua ["fruits"].[2]
Greek Original:
*ka/ndulos: brw=ma dia\ me/litos kai\ ga/laktos skeuazo/menon: w(s kai\ a)burta/kh e)ru/kwn brw=ma. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a)kro/drua.
The headword is a word of non-Greek origin which has many variant spellings (including kandu/lh ka/ndaulos, etc.; see LSJ s.v. ka/ndaulos). The notion (in Athenaeus: below) that it is Lydian may arise from the mere similarity to the name of the famous Lydian king Kandaules. For alternative recipes see Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 4.172A-C [4.72 Kaibel] = Menander fr. 451 Sandbach; Pollux 6.69; Hesychius kappa648. At least one ancient authority would read ka/ndulon in place of ko/ndulon ('knuckle') at Aristophanes, Peace 123 (Demetrius (?)of Phaleron; cf. scholia ad loc.), and some of the commentary may arise from that source.
cf. generally theta 489, omicron 251.
[1] alpha 103.
[2] Very similar entries in Etymologicum Gudianum 297.22 and Etymologicum Magnum 488.54 (s.v. kandu/lh). The second part is unintelligible in all three versions, but in different ways: Etymologicum Gudianum has "and sour-sauce qroiko\n food", and Etymologicum Magnum has "as also *)Amoita/khn e)/roikon food". In place of the nonsensical words in these two sources, and the Suda's incongruous 'restraining' (e)ru/kwn), we should probably read karukw=n ('of blood-sauces'); cf. generally kappa 435, kappa 436. Plutarch, Quaestiones Conviviales 664A (cf. 644B) mentions kandu/lai, a)burta/kai ('sour-sauces') and karu/kai ('blood-sauces') together as exotic and luxurious dishes. Compare also Menander fr. 397 Körte-Thierfelder, now 351 Kassel-Austin, where both blood sauces and ka/ndaulos are classified as u(pobinhtiw=nta brw/mata ('sex-stimulating foods') the latter worthy of a *)iwniko\s plou=tac ('rich Ionian twit'). The present entry, therefore, should have meant something like 'kandylos is a dish etc.; as also sour-sauce [made] of blood-sauces [is] a dish'.
[3] alpha 1001.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; poetry
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 11 March 2008@22:34:19.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 12 March 2008@04:43:48.
William Hutton (tweaks to translation, augmented notes, added keywords, raised status) on 12 March 2008@07:52:14.
David Whitehead (rationalised notes; cosmetics) on 12 March 2008@08:00:47.
David Whitehead (typo; expanded end of n.2) on 13 March 2008@04:02:33.
David Whitehead on 25 January 2013@09:38:04.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 December 2014@04:49:55.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 15 January 2015@01:20:14.
David Whitehead (expanded a ref) on 16 January 2015@05:51:41.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 1 April 2019@01:02:31.


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