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Search results for kappa,2480 in Adler number:
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Headword: *krotoqoru/bou
Adler number: kappa,2480
Translated headword: loud applause
Vetting Status: high
"Lord Apollo, dear little Leontion, with what loud applause we were inspired as we read[1] your letter."
Greek Original:
*krotoqoru/bou: *paia\n a)/nac, fi/lon *leonta/rion, oi(/ou krotoqoru/bou h(ma=s e)ne/plhsas, a)nagno/nti soi to\ e)pisto/lion.
The opening of a letter of Epicurus, quoted in Diogenes Laertius 10.5. Leontion was (allegedly) a courtesan with whom one of E.'s brothers was cohabiting.
[1] Not a)nagno/nti soi (Suda) but a)nagno/ntas sou (D.L.).
Keywords: biography; daily life; gender and sexuality; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 April 2003@11:38:07.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Cosmetics; set status) on 5 October 2003@17:38:34.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 6 October 2003@03:40:29.
David Whitehead on 18 March 2013@07:18:04.


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