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Headword: *kronikw/tera
Adler number: kappa,2468
Translated headword: more antique, rather antique
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] more/rather ancient, more/rather foolish.[1]
And Aristophanes [writes]: "and he says that he will prove the tragedians obsolete in mind, by dancing against them a little later."[2]
Greek Original:
*kronikw/tera: a)rxaio/tera, mwro/tera. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: kai\ tou\s tragw|dou/s fhsin a)podei/cein kro/nous to\n nou=n, diorxhso/menos o)li/gon u(/steron.
[1] The headword is comparative of the adjective kroniko/s, from the name of the god Kronos (cf. kappa 2467), neuter nominative/accusative plural. Same or similar glossing in other lexica, including Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon, and cf. also the scholia on Plato, Lysis 205C, from where it is taken to be quoted (web address 1), and on Aristophanes, Wasps 1480; see next note.
[2] Aristophanes, Wasps 1480 (web address 2). Note that modern editors of Aristophanes have adopted Richard Bentley's conjecture tou\s nu=n "contemporary" ('needed to show that Philokleon is not condemning old tragedians like Thespis': MacDowell) in place of to\n nou=n "the mind". Also, the participle in Aristophanes is in the aorist (diorxhsa/menos) instead of the Suda's future (which occurs at verse 1499).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: chronology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; meter and music; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 March 2009@23:38:55.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; another keyword) on 5 March 2009@03:24:42.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 18 March 2013@06:25:25.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 21 March 2013@15:46:54.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 21 March 2013@15:57:01.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 22 December 2014@22:50:33.


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