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Headword: *komidh=
Adler number: kappa,1999
Translated headword: exactly
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] very much, altogether, completely, absolutely, entirely, perfectly.
Greek Original:
*komidh=: li/an, pantelw=s, o(losxerw=s, ei)likrinw=s, panta/pasi, telei/ws.
Adverb, originally the dative of komidh/ (kappa 2000, kappa 2001).
Same or similar entry in other lexica, including Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon, and also in a scholion on Plato, Symposium 215D, where the headword occurs (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 December 2008@21:24:28.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 19 December 2008@03:02:32.
David Whitehead on 10 March 2013@07:31:15.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 10 March 2013@17:04:13.


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