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Headword: *khka/s
Adler number: kappa,1499
Translated headword: mischievous, abusive
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] one who reproaches/reviles. Also [sc. attested is the related noun] mischief/abuse.
Greek Original:
*khka/s: o( loi/doros. kai\ *khkasmo/s.
The adjective khka/s is used in Callimachus fr. 656 khka/di su\n glw/ssh| "with an abusive tongue", and Nicander, Alexipharmaca 185 piote/rhn o(/te bo/trun e)si/nato khka\s a)lw/phc "when the mischievous fox plundered the fat grapes". The noun khkasmo/s comes from Lycophron Alexandra 545 (dative plural) or 692 (accusative singular).
Otherwise the words only occur in lexica and scholia: khka/s from Hesychius kappa2482 on; khkasmo/s in e.g. the scholia to Lycophron 545 (above). The Etymologicum Parvum and Etymologicum Magnum derive khka/s from kako/s, a derivation the LSJ repeats with reservations. The Etymologicum Parvum is the first lexicon to gloss khka/s as loidori/a. The word is absent from Photius' Lexicon.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; poetry
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 14 November 2008@05:20:19.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmeticules, keywords, status) on 14 November 2008@11:58:41.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 17 November 2008@03:09:40.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 20 February 2013@07:40:13.
David Whitehead (coding) on 1 May 2016@04:35:33.


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