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Headword: *keko/thto
Adler number: kappa,1256
Translated headword: had borne a grudge
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] was enraged. Also [sc. attested is] kekotho/tes ["they having begrudged"].
Greek Original:
*keko/thto: w)/rgisto. kai\ *kekotho/tes.
Neither form of kote/w (cf. kappa 2146) that the Suda cites here is attested anywhere else; nevertheless, both are evidently quoted from somewhere.
The supplementary lemma, the perfect active participle, is cited in the masculine nominative plural. It occurs four times in Homer, in the masculine dative singular, in the formula kekotho/ti qumw=|, "with angry heart". (Apollonius Rhodius also has an instance of the participle in the dual accusative.)
The headword itself is given in an unaugmented pluperfect passive. The only other instance of a passive perfective of the verb is in the Orphic Hymns 69.5 (kekothme/nai), and there is no parallel in the other lexicographers who have addressed the form (Hesychius, Etymologicum Magnum; also the Homeric D scholiast). The headword might therefore reflect misreading or mistransmission of the Homeric formula, given the similarity of the forms.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 12 October 2008@11:14:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 13 October 2008@07:38:21.
David Whitehead on 14 February 2013@04:03:36.
David Whitehead (coding) on 30 April 2016@09:04:57.


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