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Search results for iota,482 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)iw=ka/ te dakruo/essan
Adler number: iota,482
Translated headword: and tearful rout
Vetting Status: high
Homer calls i)wkh/n ["rout"] i)w=ka, as Hesiod [calls] kro/khn ["weft"] kro/ka.[1] And Homer himself calls a)lkh=| ["strength"] a)lki/ [in the phrase] a)lki\ pepoiqw/s.[2] And he calls the battle "rout" from a part, since [battle] becomes the cause of a pursuit; in the same way also [he calls] war "battle-cry" from the shouting.[3]
Greek Original:
*)iw=ka/ te dakruo/essan: *(/omhros i)w=ka le/gei th\n i)wkh/n, w(s *(hsi/odos kro/ka th\n kro/khn: kai\ au)to\s *(/omhros th\n a)lkh=|, a)lki/: a)lki\ pepoiqw/s. le/gei de\ i)wkh\n a)po\ me/rous th\n ma/xhn, e)pei\ diw/cews ai)ti/a gi/netai: o(/qen kai\ boh\n to\n po/lemon a)po\ tou= a)lalagmou=.
cf. iota 481, iota 497.
[1] *)iw=ka is an athematic (third-declension) accusative of the first-declension noun i)wkh/, quoted from Homer, Iliad 11.601 (the present entry's headword phrase: web address 1); cf. scholion on this verse. *kro/ka is an athematic accusative of the first-declension noun kro/kh, cited from Hesiod, Works and Days 538 (web address 2). See also kappa 2458 (end).
[2] Another noun with mixed declension: a dative a)lki/ for the first-declension noun a)lkh/, quoted from Homer, Iliad 5.299 (web address 3); cf. scholion on this verse.
[3] Examples of the rhetorical figure pars pro toto ("a part for the whole").
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; military affairs; poetry; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 June 2006@01:06:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 14 June 2006@03:13:11.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 13 January 2013@08:29:20.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 13 January 2013@21:07:33.


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