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Headword: *)ioustiniano/s
Adler number: iota,447
Translated headword: Iustinianus, Ioustinianos, Justinian
Vetting Status: high
[Justinian], the Rhinotmetos ["The one with his nose cut off"], emperor of [the] Romans, son of Constantine; [it was he] who in addition to his other evil deeds gave political authority to harsh and cruel men, one of whom was Stephanos [Stephen] the eunuch, a Persian, the imperial treasurer. Inflicting many tortures upon those in his power, he visited his insolence even upon Justinian’s mother, laying blows on her as the school-teachers do on their pupils. And a certain Theodotos who had become an anchorite in the Thracian pass, he made auditor of public funds, which is popularly called general logothete. This man exacted money with excessive cruelty. He killed the most conspicuous men by hanging them with ropes from above and surrounding them with smoking chaff. And Justinian made Leontios general of the Anatolian regions, and Patricius the Isaurian he kept under guard for three years; but later he appointed him general of Hellas. As Paul, the monk of the monastery of Kallistratos, the astrologer, and Gregory the Cappadocian, abbot of the monastery of Florus, foretold, he gained possession of the imperial power.
Greek Original:
*)ioustiniano/s, o( *(rino/tmhtos, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn, ui(o\s *kwnstanti/nou: o(\s pro\s toi=s a)/llois kakoi=s kai\ e)s ta\s politika\s a)rxa\s kaqi/sth a)/ndras a)phnei=s kai\ w)mota/tous, w(=n h)=n *ste/fanos o( eu)nou=xos, *pe/rshs, tami/as tw=n basilikw=n xrhma/twn. kai\ polla\ tou\s u(po\ xei=ra ai)kizo/menos a)/xri kai\ ei)s th\n mhte/ra *)ioustinianou= th\n to/lman e)ch/negke, ma/stigas au)th=| e)n sxh/mati w(s oi( grammatistai\ tou\s pai=das e)piqe/menos. kai\ *qeo/doto/n tina e)/gkleiston gegono/ta kata\ ta\ *qra|kw=|a tou= stenou= tw=n dhmosi/wn logisth/n, o(\n to\ dhmw=des geniko\n logoqe/thn, e)poi/hsen. o(\s u(perbolh=| w)mo/thtos ta\ xrh/mata e)/pratte, metew/rois sxoini/ois a)nartw=n kai\ perikapni/zwn a)xu/rois tou\s perifanesta/tous a)pe/kteine. kai\ *leo/ntion strathgo\n tw=n a)natolikw=n, kai\ *patri/kion *)/isauron trisi\n e)/tesin u(pofrou/rion e)poi/hsen *)ioustiniano/s, u(/steron de\ strathgo\n *(ella/dos a)pe/deicen. o(\n *pau=los, th=s *kallistra/tou monh=s monaxo/s, a)strono/mos, kai\ *grhgo/rios *kappado/khs, h(gou/menos th=s tou= *flw/rou monh=s, proemanteu/santo, kai\ e)gkrath\s th=s basilei/as e)ge/neto.
Justinian II (685-695 & 705-711), son of Constantine IV: De Imperatoribus Romanis entry by Scott Moore at web address 1.
This material on him comes from the Opuscula of Nicephorus, ed. de Boor, p. 37.11 - 38.6.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; military affairs; politics; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 October 2001@22:10:30.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 31 August 2002@09:16:20.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 7 October 2005@08:23:21.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 20 November 2005@10:12:51.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 13 January 2013@07:01:14.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 28 November 2014@10:37:04.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 April 2024@02:19:18.


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