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Headword: *)iouliano/s
Adler number: iota,438
Translated headword: Ioulianos, Iulianus, Julianus
Vetting Status: high
[Julianus,] the consul, who bought the imperial power.[1] When he came into office, he immediately began to spend his leisure in luxury and drunkenness, applying himself lazily to the care of public affairs, and devoting himself to delicate living. He was also found to have deceived the soldiers, for he did not have so much money at home, and the public treasuries had been emptied by Com[m]odus.[2] For this cause the soldiers grew angry and the people in the theater held him in contempt.
Greek Original:
*)iouliano/s, o( u(/patos, w)nhsa/menos th\n basilei/an, e)pei\ parh=lqen ei)s th\n a)rxh/n, eu)qe/ws trufai=s kai\ kraipa/lais e)sxo/laze, th=| me\n tw=n dhmosi/wn e)pimelei/a| r(a|qu/mws prosfero/menos, e)s de\ to\ a(brodi/aiton e)pididou\s e(auto/n. eu(ri/sketo de\ kai\ tou\s stratiw/tas yeusa/menos: ou)/te ga\r oi)/koqen h)=n au)tw=| tosau=ta xrh/mata, kai\ oi( dhmo/sioi qhsauroi\ e)keke/nwnto u(po\ *komo/dou. e)k tau/ths th=s ai)ti/as oi(/ te stratiw=tai h)gana/ktoun, kai\ o( dh=mos e)n tw=| qea/trw| e)n katafronh/sei au)to\n e)poi/ei.
John of Antioch fr.123 FHG (4.586), now 206 Roberto; cf. Herodian, History 2.7.1-3.
[1] Didius Julianus, emperor for two months in the year 193 CE. On his winning the "Auction of the Empire," see the DIR entry at web address 1 (Michael L. Meckler).
[2] The emperor Commodus: kappa 2007.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; food; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 June 2006@15:57:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 6 June 2006@03:10:46.
David Whitehead on 13 January 2013@06:21:16.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 28 November 2014@22:23:17.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 29 January 2015@09:39:34.


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