[Meaning of those] who had obtained praise.[1] "He ordered that much greater pay should be given to the man who had been praised."[2]
*)hph|nhme/nwn: e)pai/nou tuxo/ntwn. o( de\ e)ke/leue para\ tw=| h)ph|nhme/nw| pollw=| plei/ona misqo\n komi/zesqai.
[1] The headword is perfect middle/passive participle of
e)paine/w (irregularly reduplicated) in the genitive plural. It must be quoted from somewhere: not, as transmitted, from the quotation which follows, but see next note. Compare generally
epsilon 2007,
epsilon 2008,
epsilon 2009,
epsilon 2010,
epsilon 2187,
epsilon 2188.
Aelian fr. 81a Domingo-Forasté (78 Hercher). As transmitted here the participle is in the dative singular, but editors of
Aelian (not, however, D-F) and others change it to the genitive plural, thus producing the meaning "... much greater pay should be procured from those who had been praised."
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