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Search results for epsilon,790 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(/elenos
Adler number: epsilon,790
Translated headword: Helenos, Helenus
Vetting Status: high
[The man] who wrote down [sc. the principles of] divination based on palmistry, as when we say from the folds of the stretched-out palm of the hands, [someone] will beget a child or anything like that.
Greek Original:
*(/elenos: o(\s sune/graye to\ xeiroskopiko\n oi)w/nisma, w(s o(/tan th=s e)kta/sews tw=n xeirw=n th=s pala/mhs a)po\ tw=n r(uti/dwn ei)/pwmen, paidopoiei= h)/ ti toiou=ton.
(Same entry in ps.-Zonaras.) From ps.-Nonnus, Scholia mythologica 4.72.16-18; again at chi 258.
Earlier ps.-Nonnus had attributed the discovery of augury or divination per se to 'Phrygians' (omicroniota 163), so it is a pleasing coincidence that this Helenus bears (or took?) the name of Cassandra's twin brother, himself a renowned prophet in Homer and elsewhere (see OCD(4) s.v.).
Keywords: biography; children; daily life; definition; epic; gender and sexuality; mythology; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 March 2006@22:29:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; another keyword) on 6 March 2006@03:06:14.
David Whitehead (tweak) on 25 July 2006@07:08:15.
David Whitehead (tweaked note; another keyword) on 13 August 2012@04:16:49.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 21 December 2014@00:24:33.
David Whitehead (expanded note; more keywords) on 16 December 2015@09:59:03.


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