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Headword: *eu)fori/wn
Adler number: epsilon,3801
Translated headword: Euphorion, Euphorio
Vetting Status: high
Son of Polymnestos; a Chalkidian, from Euboia,[1] a student of Lakydes[2] and Prytanis among the philosophers, and, among the poets,[3] of Archeboulos the Theran poet,[4] whose beloved he is said have have become. He was born in the 126th Olympiad, when also Pyrrhos was defeated by the Romans;[5] and he was honey-pale in appearance, fleshy and weak-limbed. When Nik[a]ia,[6] the wife of Alexander the son of Krateros, ruler of Euboia,[7] took a liking to him, he became extremely successful and went to Antiochos [III] the Great, who ruled in Syria, and was appointed by him to head the public library there. And when he died there he was buried in Apameia, or, as some say, in Antioch. Here are his books of epic: Hesiod; Mopsopia or Orderless Tales, [so called] for it contains miscellaneous stories; and 'Mopsopia' because Attica was previously called Mopsopia after Mopsopia the daughter of Okeanos,[8] and the story extends to Attica.[9] Thousands: it has a preface directed against those who stole from him money which he had put on deposit, so that they might pay the penalty, albeit at length; then he brings together oracles that have been fulfilled over a thousand years; there are 5 books, and the fifth [group of a] thousand has a title [as follows?].
"On oracles, how they are fulfilled over a thousand years".[10]
Greek Original:
*eu)fori/wn, *polumnh/stou, *xalkideu/s, a)po\ *eu)boi/as, maqhth\s e)n toi=s filoso/fois *laku/dou kai\ *pruta/nidos kai\ e)n toi=s poihtikoi=s *)arxebou/lou tou= *qhrai/ou poihtou=, ou(= kai\ e)rw/menos le/getai gene/sqai. e)gennh/qh de\ e)n th=| rk#2# o)lumpia/di, o(/te kai\ *pu/rros h(tth/qh u(po\ *(rwmai/wn: kai\ e)ge/neto th\n i)de/an meli/xrous, polu/sarkos, kakoskelh/s. th=s *)aleca/ndrou, tou= basileu/santos *eu)boi/as, ui(ou= de\ *kraterou=, gunaiko\s *niki/as sterca/shs au)to/n, eu)/poros sfo/dra gegonw\s h)=lqe pro\s *)anti/oxon to\n me/gan e)n *suri/a| basileu/onta kai\ proe/sth u(p' au)tou= th=s e)kei=se dhmosi/as biblioqh/khs: kai\ teleuth/sas e)kei=se te/qaptai e)n *)apamei/a|, w(s de/ tines e)n *)antioxei/a|. bibli/a de\ au)tou= e)pika\ tau=ta: *(hsi/odos: *moyopi/a h)\ *)/atakta: e)/xei ga\r summigei=s i(stori/as, *moyopi/a de/, o(/ti h( *)attikh\ to\ pri\n *moyopi/a e)kalei=to a)po\ th=s *)wkeanou= qugatro\s *moyopi/as, kai\ o( lo/gos tou= poih/matos a)potei/netai ei)s th\n *)attikh/n: *xilia/des: e)/xei de\ u(po/qesin ei)s tou\s a)posterh/santas au)to\n xrh/mata, a(\ pare/qeto, w(s di/khn doi=en ka)\n ei)s makra/n: ei)=ta suna/gei dia\ xili/wn e)tw=n xrhsmou\s a)potelesqe/ntas: ei)si\ de\ bibli/a e#, e)pigra/fetai de\ h( pe/mpth xilia/s. peri\ xrhsmw=n, w(s dia\ xili/wn e)tw=n a)potelou=ntai.
See generally F.J. Williams in OCD(4) s.v. Euphorion(2). [For Euphorion(1) see epsilon 3800.]
[1] The geographical specificity is needed because there were three cities of that name.
[2] lambda 72.
[3] Or: in matters of poetry.
[4] Obscure; known only in this capacity.
[5] 272 BCE. (The 126th Olympiad actually covers 276-273.)
[6] Name transmitted here as Nikia; Nikaia is Bernhardy's correction (noted but not followed by Adler).
[7] OCD(4) s.v. Alexander(9).
[8] Strabo (9.1.18, 9.5.22) and Stephanus of Byzantium say 'from Mopsopos'.
[9] Ruhnken, as Adler notes, proposed emending this to 'to Antiochus'.
[10] This actual title (if such it is) is lacking, Adler notes, in some mss and placed elsewhere in others.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; daily life; economics; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; law; medicine; mythology; philosophy; poetry; politics; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 10 February 2008@09:17:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks) on 10 February 2008@09:38:44.
David Whitehead (more notes; cosmetics) on 16 November 2012@04:54:59.
David Whitehead (updated 2 refs) on 3 August 2014@09:04:16.


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