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Headword: *)eoi/kasi toi=s e)k *pu/lou lhfqei=si toi=s *lakwnikoi=s
Adler number: epsilon,3348
Translated headword: they look like those taken out of Pylos -- the Lakonians
Vetting Status: high
A saying in reference to those who are looking pale and wasted. Pylos [is] a place in Lakonike, where Kleon served as general and took the prisoners from Sphakteria.[1] So it is likely that these men, because of the fear resulting from their captivity, and because, first, they had been besieged for many days on a deserted island -- one, indeed, from which it was impossible to get any of the things they needed -- and, second, they had been shut up for a long period after their capture and been shackled in wood,[2] would have become pale and wasted and unsightly.
Greek Original:
*)eoi/kasi toi=s e)k *pu/lou lhfqei=si toi=s *lakwnikoi=s: paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n w)xriw/ntwn kai\ i)sxnw=n. *pu/los de\ xwri/on th=s *lakwnikh=s, e)/nqa *kle/wn strathgh/sas tou\s ai)xmalw/tous a)po\ *sfakthri/as e)/laben. ei)ko\s ou)=n tou/tous dia\ to\n tou= ai)xmalwtismou= fo/bon kai\ dia\ to\ pollai=s me\n h(me/rais pepoliorkh=sqai e)n e)rh/mw| nh/sw|, kai\ a)f' h(=s ou)de\n tw=n e)pithdei/wn h)=n labei=n, pollw=| de\ meta\ th\n a(/lwsin sugkeklei=sqai xro/nw| dedeme/nous e)n cu/lw|, w)xrou/s te kai\ i)sxnou\s kai\ duseidei=s gegone/nai.
From the scholia to Aristophanes, Clouds 186, where (with the addition here of 'they look like') the headword phrase occurs. It is spoken by Strepsiades on seeing the sun-starved inmates of Sokrates' Wisdom Factory. (In the preceding line the Student has asked him tw=| soi dokou=sin ei)ke/nai;, 'What do they look like to you?') Proverbial in Appendix Proverbiorum 2.74.
[2] cf. kappa 1731. For the events of 425 BCE, see Thucydides 4.3-41. A total of 292 Spartans who survived the Athenian blockade were taken to Athens (4.38).
[3] Presumably in wooden stocks or a similar device; cf. Aristophanes, Knights 1048-53.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; geography; history; medicine; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 3 February 2002@04:38:48.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 3 February 2002@05:09:04.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 November 2012@05:26:06.
Catharine Roth (tweaked betacode) on 11 November 2012@21:22:38.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 21 February 2016@10:01:59.


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