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Search results for epsilon,3249 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/esxata kaka/
Adler number: epsilon,3249
Translated headword: utmost evils
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the big [ones]. "[...] to suffer the utmost evils from their kinfolk or to commit themselves to untrustworthy men."[1]
And elsewhere: "he does not stop leading the city into the utmost of danger by siege."[2]
And elsewhere: "[...] beseeching pitifully and with supplication not to ignore the fact that he was suffering the utmost [sc. evils]."[3] Meaning ultimate [ones], large [ones].
Greek Original:
*)/esxata kaka/: ta\ mega/la. paqei=n ta\ e)/sxata kaka\ e)k tw=n o(mofu/lwn h)\ a)ndra/sin a)pi/stois sfa=s e)pitre/yai. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ ou) pau/etai poliorki/a| th\n po/lin e)s to\ e)/sxaton u(pa/gwn kindu/nou. kai\ au)=qis: liparou=ntos oi)ktrw=s kai\ cu\n i(kesi/a|, mh\ ta\ e)/sxata au)to\n perii+dei=n paqo/nta. a)nti\ tou= te/leia, mega/la.
The headword phrase is presumably extracted from the first quotation given.
cf. generally epsilon 3248.
[1] Quotation unidentifiable.
[2] Quotation (and individual) unidentifiable.
[3] Aelian fr. 61 Hercher (64b Domingo-Forasté); cf. lambda 583, lambda 584.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 29 January 2008@07:29:22.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; more keywords; cosmetics) on 29 January 2008@10:15:35.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 2 November 2012@06:37:25.


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