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Headword: *)erw/thsis e)/ndocos
Adler number: epsilon,3074
Translated headword: probable question
Vetting Status: high
[Reputable question,] dialectical premise.[1] Now not every premise [is] a question but the dialectical [premise sc. is]. Not every question [is] a dialectical premise, for there are many kinds of question. For those who ask a question ask either about something which is accidental (such as those who ask what is the natural movement of fire or what has happened to Socrates) or, on the contrary, they define and assume in their questioning what has happened [is accidental] and seek to learn to whom [or to what] it has happened: such as the one who asks to what animal it is accidental [to be] white or black, and what good thing is choiceworthy in itself, and who is [the person] seated. And there is another kind of question [which is] about substance;[2] for instance, when [we are investigating something] and bringing forward what it is through a question, someone who is asking says what a flower is.[3] For he seeks to learn the substance of the thing, not what is accidental to it. There is a third kind of question; for example, when someone [asks] a question about a premise, then,[4] in demanding an answer, he responds with the other part of the contradictory premise. For instance, “[is] the world spherical?”[5] The dialectical premise is ranged under this kind of question.
Question, proposition, [and] enquiry are different. Search under the [entry] "proposition" [a)ci/wma].[6] Search Aristophanes’ interrogations, under the [entry] "if he should endure the sufferings which he inflicted".[7]
Greek Original:
*)erw/thsis e)/ndocos, pro/tasis dialektikh/. ou) pa=sa ou)=n pro/tasis e)rw/thsis, a)lla\ h( dialektikh/: ou) pa=sa e)rw/thsis pro/tasis dialektikh/: e)/sti ga\r ei)/dh plei/w th=s e)rwth/sews. oi( ga\r e)rwtw=ntes h)\ peri\ sumbebhko/tos e)rwtw=sin, w(s oi( e)rwtw=ntes, ti/s tou= puro\s h( kata\ fu/sin ki/nhsis, h)\ ti/ *swkra/tei sumbe/bhken, h)\ e)/mpalin to\ me\n sumbebhko\s o(ri/zousi/ te kai\ lamba/nousin e)n th=| e)rwth/sei, to\ de\ w(=| sumbe/bhken, a)ciou=si maqei=n: w(s o( e)rwtw=n ti/ni to\ leuko\n h)\ to\ me/lan tw=n zw/|wn sumbe/bhke, kai\ ti/ tw=n a)gaqw=n di' au(to\ ai(reto/n e)sti, kai\ ti/s o( kaqh/menos. e)/sti de\ kai\ a)/llo ei)=dos e)rwth/sews e)k periousi/as, o(/tan proenegka/menoi ti/ pote/ e)sti to\ dia\ th=s e)rwth/sews, ei)/ph| o( e)rwtw=n ti/ e)stin a)/nqos: th\n ga\r ou)si/an tou= pra/gmatos a)cioi= maqei=n, ou)x o(\ sumbe/bhken au)tw=|. tri/ton ei)=dos e)rwth/sew/s e)stin, oi(=on o(/tan peri\ prota/sew/s tis th\n e)rw/thsin, ei)/te a)po/krisin ai)tw=n to\ e(/teron me/ros th=s a)ntifa/sews ei)/ph|: oi(=on a)=ra/ ge o( ko/smos sfairoeidh/s; u(po\ tou=to to\ ei)=dos th=s e)rwth/sew/s e)stin h( dialektikh\ pro/tasis. diafe/rei de\ e)rw/thma, a)ci/wma, pu/sma. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a)ci/wma. zh/tei e)rwthmatika\ *)aristofa/nous e)n tw=|, ai)/ke pa/qoi ta/ k' e)/recen.
Taken (with some variations) from Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 69.12-29 (on Topica 104a8ff).
[1] Aristotle, Topica 104a8-9.
[2] The translation follows Alexander's text, which reads peri\ ou)si/as, "on substance" (this reading gives a better sense and is required by the context; cf. Alexander 69.23). The Suda text mistakenly reads e)k periousi/as "superfluously".
[3] So the Suda mss, a)/nqos; but (as Adler noted) Alexander has "a man" (a)/nqrwpos).
[4] Again Alexander's text is followed (ei)=ta).
[5] Technically, this is a "premise" (pro/tasis). See Aristotle, Topica 101b30-31 (and pi 2863).
[6] alpha 2827.
[7] alphaiota 165.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 30 November 2003@15:41:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified aspects of translation; added a keyword; cosmetics) on 1 December 2003@03:47:57.
David Whitehead (another note) on 24 December 2007@08:01:41.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 29 October 2012@06:48:09.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 14 February 2016@07:36:39.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 22 December 2017@23:27:40.


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