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Search results for epsilon,2015 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/epaisen
Adler number: epsilon,2015
Translated headword: hit
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] struck, smote.[1]
"[He] hit the horse with the lance".[2]
Greek Original:
*)/epaisen: e)/tuyen, e)/krousen. e)/paise de\ to\n i(/ppon th=| lo/gxh|.
[1] The headword is aorist active, third person singular, of pai/w. Up to this point the entry = Lexica Segueriana 226.3; cf. Hesychius pi109. Adler also cites the Ambrosian Lexicon (1665). The headword might be extracted from the quotation given here, though there are numerous other, and arguably better, alternatives, from Attic tragedy onwards. For example, a scholion to the instance in Aeschylus, Agamemnon 1007, has the first of these glosses.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable in this precise form, but perhaps [WH] a paraphrase or alternative account of an incident described in Plutarch, Pyrrhus 16.15 (the Italian cavalry-commander Hoplax strikes P.'s horse: pai/ei me\n au)to\s tw=| do/rati tou= basile/ws to\n i(/ppon).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 August 2007@05:07:08.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified headword and translation, augmented notes, added keywords, set status.) on 27 August 2007@06:20:30.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 27 August 2007@06:41:16.
David Whitehead on 1 October 2012@07:30:32.
David Whitehead on 21 January 2016@05:05:02.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 17 July 2017@01:58:07.
Catharine Roth on 18 July 2017@19:22:36.


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