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Headword: *dhmoxa/rhs
Adler number: delta,472
Translated headword: Demochares
Vetting Status: high
A nephew of Demosthenes.[1] Concerning him, Timaios[2] says that, having acted like a rent-boy with the upper parts of his body he was unworthy to blow the sacred flame,[3] and that in his [sexual] habits he had surpassed the handbooks of Botrys and Philainis and the other writers of obscenities.[4] Polybius says against Timaios: these scurrilous assertions and insinuations no educated man would put forward - and not even someone selling his body in a brothel. But Timaios, so as not even to appear trustworthy in his libel and in his scandalous behaviour generally, has told another lie against the man, dragging in as his witness some worthless comic poet.[5] In fact Demochares was considered worthy, by the Athenians, of election as general and of other honours, in none of which could he have been successful if he was wrestling with such disadvantages.
Greek Original:
*dhmoxa/rhs: a)delfidou=s *dhmosqe/nous. peri\ ou(= *ti/maio/s fhsin h(tairhke/nai me\n toi=s a)/nw me/resi tou= sw/matos, ou)k ei)=nai de\ a)/cion to\ i(ero\n pu=r fusa=n, u(perbebhke/nai de\ toi=s e)pithdeu/masi ta\ *bo/truos u(pomnh/mata kai\ ta\ *filaini/dos kai\ tw=n a)/llwn a)naisxunto/tera gra/fwn. *polu/bios de\ le/gei pro\s *ti/maion: tau/thn de\ th\n loidori/an kai\ ta\s e)mfa/seis ou)x oi(=on a)/n tis die/qeto pepaideume/nos a)nh/r, a)ll' ou)de\ tw=n a)po\ te/gous a)/xri tou= sw/matos ei)rgasme/nwn ou)dei/s. ou)d' i(/na pisto\s fanh=| kata\ th\n ai)sxrologi/an kai\ th\n a)/llhn a)naisxunti/an, kai\ proskate/yeustai ta)ndro/s, kwmiko/n tina ma/rtura prosepispasa/menos a)nw/numon. h)ciw/qh de\ o( *dhmoxa/rhs kai\ strathgi/as par' *)aqhnai/ois kai\ tw=n a)/llwn timw=n, w(=n ou)de\n au)tw=| sunece/drame, toiau/tais a)tuxi/ais palai/onti.
c.360-275 BC. See generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.434); FGrH 75. The present entry derives from Polybius 12.13.1-5.
[1] For whom see generally delta 454, delta 455, delta 456.
[2] FGrH 566 F35.
[3] See further on this at omega 263; and cf. eta 617.
[4] Cf. beta 411, (phi 307).
[5] Cf. epsilon 1069, epsilon 1070. The poet, mentioned later, is Archedicus.
G. Marasco, Democare di Leuconoe (Florence 1984)
Keywords: architecture; biography; comedy; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; military affairs; politics; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 October 2001@07:58:57.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 5 September 2002@10:17:54.
William Hutton (cosmetics, added keywords, set status) on 20 July 2003@05:45:57.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 20 July 2003@06:00:04.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 1 December 2005@07:30:36.
David Whitehead on 27 June 2012@04:08:02.
David Whitehead on 3 August 2014@04:54:39.


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