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Adler number: delta,451
Translated headword: naturalized citizen
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is adopted by the demos and has become a citizen.
For Perikles, the son of Xanthippos,[1] proposed a law that someone whose parents were not both citizens would not himself be a citizen. A short time later, Perikles lost his legitimate [sons].[2] Against his will, groaning and breaking his own law and disgracing himself, at once an object of pity and of hate, he got what he wanted. He begged and bribed those who were alive at the time, and at length and with difficulty he made his bastard son by Aspasia of Miletus a demopoietos.[3]
A demopoietos, then, is one who is not a citizen by birth but is made a citizen by the demos.[4]
Greek Original:*dhmopoi/htos: o( u(po\ tou= dh/mou ei)spoihqei\s kai\ gegonw\s poli/ths. *periklh=s ga\r o( *canqi/ppou, no/mon gra/yas to\n mh\ e)c a)mfoi=n a)stupoli/thn mh\ ei)=nai, ou) meta\ makro\n tou\s gnhsi/ous a)pobalw/n, a)/kwn kai\ ste/nwn kai\ lu/sas to\n e(autou= no/mon kai\ a)sxhmonh/sas, e)leeino\s a(/ma kai\ mishto\s e)/tuxen w(=n e)bou/leto. o(/mws ge mh\n a)ntibolou=ntos kai\ deka/santos tou\s e)nteu=qen zw=ntas, o)ye\ kai\ mo/lis to\n no/qon oi( pai=da to\n e)c *)aspasi/as th=s *milhsi/as e)poi/hse dhmopoi/hton. *dhmopoi/htos ou)=n o( fu/sei ce/nos, u(po\ de\ tou= dh/mou poli/ths gegonw/s.
After the initial definition, this entry draws on
Aelian fr. 71 Domingo-Forasté, 68 Hercher (which itself reflects
Perikles 37).
[1] For Perikles see
pi 1179,
pi 1180,
pi 1181.
[2] Perikles' sons by his first wife, Paralos and Xanthippos, died of plague (
Perikles 36.6-9).
[3] This is the younger Perikles: see
pi 1178. For Aspasia see
alpha 4202.
[4] Abridged from Harpokration s.v., an entry which cites [
Demosthenes] 59.88ff. on the topic. (
Solon 24.2, mentions a law of those "adopted by the
demos" and uses the term
Keywords: biography; children; constitution; definition; economics; ethics; law; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 17 December 1998@19:03:09.
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