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Headword: *dama/sths
Adler number: delta,41
Translated headword: Damastes
Vetting Status: high
A Sigean, from Sigeion in the Troad,[1] son of Dioxippos, born before the Peloponnesian War, contemporary of Herodotus,[2] among the wealthiest of men, historian. He wrote On Events in Greece,[3] On the Children and Ancestors of those who took part in the Expedition to Troy,[4] two books, Gazetteer of Peoples and Cities, On Poets and Men Noted for their Wisdom; and much else. He was a pupil of Hellanikos.[5]
Greek Original:
*dama/sths, *sigeieu/s, a)po\ *sigei/ou th=s *trwa/dos, *diwci/ppou ui(o/s, gegonw\s pro\ tw=n *peloponnhsiakw=n, su/gxronos *(hrodo/tw|, tw=n plousiwta/twn, i(storiko/s. ge/grafe *peri\ tw=n e)n *(ella/di genome/nwn, *peri\ gone/wn kai\ progo/nwn tw=n ei)s *)/ilion strateusame/nwn bibli/a b#, *)eqnw=n kata/logon kai\ po/lewn, *peri\ poihtw=n kai\ sofistw=n: kai\ a)/lla suxna/. ge/gone de\ *(ellani/kou maqhth/s.
C5 BCE; OCD(4) 411 (by Klaus Meister); FGrH 5.
[1] Barrington Atlas map 56 grid C2.
[2] For whom see eta 536.
[3] Schwartz (col.2051) believed that it was to this work that Speusippus referred in a letter to Philip of Macedon written c.342 BCE, in which he named Damastes along with Herodotus as authorities on the Persian Wars. Epist. Socrat. 30.4 (Orelli; Hercher) = 28.4 (Kohler).
[4] According to pi 2170 this work was also attributed to the sophist Polus of Acragas, a contemporary of Damastes.
[5] For whom see epsilon 739.
Schwartz, E. Damastes(3) in RE iv.2, cols.2050-2051.
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; epic; geography; historiography; history; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 24 October 1999@01:25:58.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and bibliography; added keyword; cosmetics) on 25 March 2001@08:38:28.
David Whitehead (more notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 14 June 2012@06:02:14.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 August 2014@03:45:25.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 May 2016@14:54:04.


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