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Headword: *dokimasqei/s
Adler number: delta,1328
Translated headword: having been scrutinized
Vetting Status: high
Demosthenes [uses this word] to mean having been registered amongst [the] adults.[1] For he also refers to having been scrutinized before the archons.[2] The term "having been scrutinized" used also to be applied to those in public life, even if they were not exercizing an office of any kind; sometimes their life was examined. Lycurgus says[3] that three scrutinies take place by law: for one is the one in which the nine archons are scrutinized; in another it is the public speakers,[4] and in a third the generals. But in the same speech he also talks of a scrutiny of cavalrymen.
Greek Original:
*dokimasqei/s: *dhmosqe/nhs me\n a)nti\ tou= ei)s a)/ndras e)ggrafei/s. le/gei ga\r kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)rxo/ntwn to\ dokimasqh=nai. e)le/geto de\ kai\ e)pi\ tw=n politeuome/nwn to\ dokimasqh=nai, ei) kai\ mhd' h(/ntina h)=rxon a)rxh/n: e)ni/ote de\ kai\ au)tw=n e)chta/zeto o( bi/os. *lukou=rgos de\ g# dokimasi/as fhsi\ kata\ to\n no/mon gi/nesqai. kai\ ga\r mi/a me/n e)stin, h(\n oi( q# a)/rxontes dokima/zontai: a)/llh de/, h(\n oi( r(h/tores, tri/th de/, h(\n oi( strathgoi/. le/gei de\ e)n tw=| au)tw=| lo/gw| kai\ i(ppe/wn dokimasi/an.
Abridged from Harpokration (and Photius) s.v.
[1] Demosthenes 30.6 (web address 1).
[2] Demosthenes 57.25 (web address 2).
[6] Lycurgus fr. 18 Conomis.
[4] See delta 1329.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: constitution; daily life; definition; law; military affairs; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 October 2000@05:50:33.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 5 September 2002@05:29:08.
David Whitehead (added x-ref) on 12 May 2003@10:27:24.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added links; cosmetics) on 17 September 2003@10:24:27.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 July 2011@06:26:47.
David Whitehead on 16 July 2012@04:47:22.


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