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Search results for delta,1053 in Adler number:
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Headword: *diitre/fhs a)nepte/rwken
Adler number: delta,1053
Translated headword: Diitrephes has set (him) flying
Vetting Status: high
In reference to those persuading [someone] into some activity. Aristophanes [writes]: "Diitrephes with his words has set my boy terribly flying into horse-driving". For this man was previously a flask-weaver, but then became a phylarch and hipparch.
Greek Original:
*diitre/fhs a)nepte/rwken: e)pi\ tw=n a)napeiqo/ntwn e)pi/ ti pra=gma. *)aristofa/nhs: deinw=s te/ mou to\ meira/kion a)nepte/rwken w(/sq' i(pphlatei=n. ou(=tos ga\r pro/teron putinoplo/kos h)=n, e)/peita e)ge/neto fu/larxos kai\ i(/pparxos.
Aristophanes, Birds 1442-3 [1440-1 in some editions] (what fathers complain about when they meet at the barbers'; web address 1), with comment from the scholia there. See also delta 1054, pi 3259, pi 3260.
For Dieitrephes (sic) see Dunbar's note on his earlier mention in the play (line 798).
Aristophanes, Birds. Edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; biography; comedy; military affairs; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 May 2003@11:56:31.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 12 May 2003@00:55:51.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Corrected Birds line ref.; added link; cosmetics) on 15 September 2003@21:03:37.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 15 October 2003@06:22:26.
David Whitehead (supplemented tr) on 10 July 2012@07:38:08.


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