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Search results for chi,399 in Adler number:
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Headword: *xorhgi/a
Adler number: chi,399
Translated headword: expenditure; supplies
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] donation/giving.[1]
And Polybius [writes]: "[...] not in effect to bring the supplies and the equipment for the army-camps along by sea or on pack-animals, but having travel money in their wallets for ten days."[2]
Greek Original:
*xorhgi/a: do/sis. kai\ *polu/bios: mh\ oi(=on kata\ qa/lattan ta\s paraskeua\s kai\ ta\ xorh/gia parakomi/zein toi=s stratope/dois mhde\ e)pi\ u(pozugi/wn, a)ll' e)n tai=s ph/rais de/x' h(merw=n e)/xontas e)fo/dia.
[1] The headword is ambiguous in form. With the accent it has, it is the nominative singular of the feminine noun xorhgi/a; this accords with the gloss. The form in the quotation which follows, xorh/gia, is the accusative plural of the neuter noun xorh/gion.
[2] Polybius fr. 88 Büttner-Wobst. Büttner-Wobst notes that Schweighäuser, evidently aware of the headword's ambiguity, prefaced the quotation with the neuter noun as follows: kai\ xorh/gion *polu/bios. See also chi 395, the last lines of which Küster in his edition transposed to the end of this entry.
T. Büttner-Wobst, ed., Polybii Historiae, vol. IV, (Leipzig 1904)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; historiography; history; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 2 April 2008@02:27:30.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified Polybius tr; more keywords; cosmetics) on 2 April 2008@04:34:04.
David Whitehead on 12 November 2013@07:51:15.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography, cosmeticule) on 2 August 2018@20:44:08.


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