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Headword: *xlamu/s
Adler number: chi,333
Translated headword: chlamys
Vetting Status: high
Numa, the first king of the Romans, when he received an embassy of the Isaurians and observed their type of apparel, borrowing from them invented the wearing of the chlamys, uniting royalty with the senate, not putting the purple dye on the outside, but putting it underneath; so that from each of these one body was created and the Roman kappa was marked on the sandals of the senators.[1]
And [there is] a proverb: 'Syloson's chlamys'.[2] [It is used] in reference to those being pretentious in their apparel; for this man had very rich clothing, which he gave as a gift to Darius when [Darius] was still a private citizen; and after this, when Darius had become king, he made a return.[3]
Greek Original:
*xlamu/s: *nouma=s o( prw=tos *(rwmai/wn basileu\s presbei/an *)isau/rwn deca/menos kai\ to\ sxh=ma th=s foresi/as au)tw=n katamaqw/n, e)c au)tw=n labw\n e)feu=re th=s xlamu/dos stolh/n, e(nw/sas th\n basi/leion th=| sugklh/tw|, ou)k e)/cwqen e)piqei/s, a)ll' e)/swqen e)mbalw\n th\n th=s porfu/ras bafh/n: w(/ste e)c e(kate/rou tou/twn e(\n a)potelesqh=nai sw=ma kai\ e)n toi=s tw=n bouleutw=n u(podh/masin a)poshmai/nesqai to\ *(rwmai+ko\n ka/ppa. kai\ paroimi/a: h( *sulosw=ntos xlamu/s. e)pi\ tw=n a)lazoneuome/nwn e)p' e)sqh=ti: ou(=tos ga\r ei)=xe polutelh= e)sqh=ta, h(\n e)dwrh/sato *darei/w| i)diwteu/onti e)/ti: kai\ e)/tuxe meta\ tau=ta kaqo/dou, basileu/santos *darei/ou.
[1] For this material cf. (e.g.) John of Antioch fr.33 FHG (now 61.1 Roberto), John Malalas p. 33. On Numa see nu 456, nu 515; on the Isaurians, iota 616.
[2] cf. Diogenianus 5.14 and other paroemiographers.
[3] This is Syloson II, tyrant of Samos in the last quarter of the 6th. century BCE; see also sigma 1349 and sigma 1351. For Dareios (I) of Persia, see delta 72, delta 73.
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; constitution; daily life; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics; proverbs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2008@16:16:29.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added cross-references) on 30 March 2008@20:25:52.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 31 March 2008@03:21:39.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 12 November 2013@04:43:48.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 29 January 2015@04:41:11.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 26 March 2021@04:36:25.


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