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Headword: *ai)/guptos
Adler number: alphaiota,77
Translated headword: Aigyptos, Aegyptus, Egypt
Vetting Status: high
A personal name. Also the country of the Egyptians.
[Note] that when Hermes, the son of Pekos who is also Zeus,[1] arrived, Mestrem[2] was the king of those there; his was the name they changed to Aigyptos, and from him the country too [was called] Egypt; he was of the race of Noah.
[Note] that the plagues in Egypt lasted for 40 days.[3]
[Note] that[4] Anaxagoras and Pythagoras arrrived in Egypt and conversed with the learned Egyptians and Hebrews there and acquired their knowledge about the things that exist, and later Plato did so as well, as Plutarch says in his Parallel Lives.[5] Indeed, Egyptians were the first to name the sun and the moon gods: they called the sun Osiris, and the moon Isis, since they saw these going at a run and running , [deriving the word] gods [qeoi/] from running [qe/ein] and going.
Greek Original:
*ai)/guptos: o)/noma ku/rion. kai\ h( xw/ra tw=n *ai)gupti/wn. o(/ti o(/te a)fi/keto *(ermh=s, o( ui(o\s *ph/kou, tou= kai\ *dio/s, *mestre\m e)basi/leue tw=n e)kei=: o(\n metwno/masan *ai)/gupton, a)f' ou(= kai\ *ai)/guptos h( xw/ra: tou= ge/nous tou= *nw=e. o(/ti e)n tai=s m# h(me/rais gego/nasin ai( kat' *ai)/gupton plhgai/. o(/ti *)anacago/ras kai\ *puqago/ras ei)s *ai)/gupton a)fiko/menoi kai\ toi=s *ai)gupti/wn kai\ *(ebrai/wn au)to/qi sofoi=s o(milh/santes th\n peri\ tw=n o)/ntwn gnw=sin h)kouti/sqhsan, u(/steron de\ kai\ *pla/twn, w(s *plou/tarxos e)n toi=s *parallh/lois fhsi/n. ou) mh\n de\ a)lla\ kai\ qeou\s *ai)gu/ptioi prw=toi to\n h(/lion kai\ th\n selh/nhn w)no/masan kale/santes to\n me\n h(/lion *)/osirin, th\n de\ selh/nhn *)/isin, a(/te o(rw=ntes au)tou\s dro/mw| i)o/ntas kai\ qe/ontas, qeou/s e)k tou= qe/ein kai\ i)e/nai.
[1] For the name Pekos see pi 1500.
[2] Perhaps related to the Hebrew word for Egypt, מִצְרָיִם miṣrāyīm, which appears to be a dual form referring to Upper and Lower Egypt. See mu 674.
[3] George the Monk, Chronicon 116.9-10 (who actually says "as few as 40"); again at pi 1743.
[4] This material is drawn from delta 1319.
[5] Not mentioned in the Parallel Lives. But see Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris 10 and Moralia 578F-579D.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; medicine; mythology; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Phiroze Vasunia on 4 October 2001@14:17:51.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 4 October 2001@17:37:43.
Raphael Finkel (Added note 2.) on 18 December 2002@11:25:11.
David Whitehead (augmented note 3; cosmetics) on 16 July 2003@08:44:26.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 11 May 2012@06:51:01.
Catharine Roth (betacode) on 12 May 2012@00:07:27.
Raphael Finkel (Added Hebrew.) on 7 August 2014@14:59:26.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 7 November 2014@01:39:06.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 7 November 2014@03:06:02.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 14 August 2020@01:06:08.


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