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Headword: *)adiafori/a
Adler number: alpha,478
Translated headword: indifference
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] negligence without close observation.[1]
"Indifference[2] means two things. One is that which contributes neither to happiness nor to misery, as is the case with wealth, reputation, health, strength and suchlike; for it is possible to be happy without these things, although a certain way of using these things is conducive to happiness or to misery. In another sense indifference is said to be that which incites neither attraction nor repulsion, such as having an odd or even number of hairs on one's head, stretching out one's finger or crooking it. But the aforementioned indifferent things were not termed so after this fashion: for it is possible for those things to incite attraction or repulsion. Therefore some of these things are preferred [and others are rejected],[3] whereas the other sort afford no ground for either choosing or avoidance. Some indifferent things, they say, are "preferred" and others are "rejected". Those are preferred which have [positive] value and those which have negative value are rejected. Value is first that which is some assistance to a harmonious life, which is connected to every good thing. Secondly it is some intermediate power or use which contributes to a life according to nature, which is similar to saying whatever wealth or health contributes to a life according to nature. Thirdly, value is the full equivalent of an appraiser, which an expert in the matters sets, just as it is said that wheat is exchanged for barley along with a mule. Preferred things, then, are those which have value: such things among mental qualities are talent, skill, progress, and the like; such things among bodily qualities are life, health, strength, good condition, soundness, beauty; those among external things are wealth, fame, nobility and the like. Rejected things among mental qualities are lack of ability, lack of skill and the like; among bodily qualities they are death, disease, feebleness, poor hygiene, mutilation, ugliness and the like; and those among external things are poverty, ignominy, humble origins and such things. But there are things which are neither, neither preferred nor rejected. Still, of the things which are preferred, some are preferred for their own sake, some on account of something else, and others for their own sake and because of something else. For their own sake are talent and progress and the like preferred; because of something else are wealth and nobility and the like preferred, and for their own sake and because of something else are strength, vigorous capacity of sensation and soundness preferred. Things are preferred for their own sake because they are in accordance with nature. Things are preferred because of something else because they provide more than a little utility. And likewise for the [un]preferred[4] things under the contrary headings."
Greek Original:
*)adiafori/a: a)me/leia xwri\s parathrh/sews. to\ de\ a)dia/foron dixw=s le/getai: a(/pac me\n to\ mh/te pro\s eu)daimoni/an mh/te pro\s kakodaimoni/an sunergou=n, w(s e)/xei plou=tos, do/ca, u(gei/a, i)sxu\s kai\ ta\ o(/moia: e)nde/xetai ga\r kai\ xwri\s tou/twn eu)daimonei=n, th=s poia=s au)tw=n xrh/sews eu)daimonikh=s ou)/shs h)\ kakodaimonikh=s. a)/llws de\ le/getai a)dia/foron to\ mh/te o(rmh=s mh/te a)formh=s kinhtiko\n, w(s e)/xei to\ a)rti/as e)/xein e)pi\ th=s kefalh=s tri/xas h)\ peritta/s, h)\ e)ktei=nai to\n da/ktulon h)\ sustei=lai, tw=n prote/rwn a)diafo/rwn kai\ ou)ke/q' ou(/tws legome/nwn: o(rmh=s ga/r e)stin e)kei=na kai\ a)formh=s kinhtika/. dio\ ta\ me\n au)tw=n e)kle/getai, tw=n de\ e(te/rwn e)p' i)/shs e)xo/ntwn pro\s ai(/resin kai\ fugh/n. tw=n a)diafo/rwn ta\ me\n le/gousi prohgou/mena, ta\ de\ a)poprohgou/mena. prohgou/mena me\n ta\ e)/xonta a)ci/an, a)poprohgou/mena de\ ta\ e)/xonta a)naci/an. a)ci/an de\ th\n me/n tina su/mblhsin pro\s to\n o(mologou/menon bi/on, h(/tis e)sti\ peri\ pa=n a)gaqo/n: th\n de\ ei)=nai me/shn tina\ du/namin h)\ xrei/an sullambanome/nhn pro\s to\n kata\ fu/sin bi/on o(/moion ei)pei=n, h(/ntina ei)sfe/retai ei)s to\n kata\ fu/sin bi/on plou=tos, u(gei/a: th\n de\ eu)eci/an a)moibh\n dokimastou=, h(\n a)\n o( e)/mpeiros tw=n pragma/twn ta/ch|, o(/moion ei)pei=n a)mei/besqai purou\s pro\s ta\s su\n h(mio/nw| kriqa/s. prohgou/mena me\n ou)=n ei)=nai, a(\ kai\ a)ci/an e)/xein: oi(=on e)pi\ me\n tw=n yuxikw=n eu)fui/+an, te/xnhn, prokoph\n kai\ ta\ o(/moia: e)pi\ de\ tw=n swmatikw=n zwh\n, u(gei/an, r(w/mhn, eu)eci/an, a)rtio/thta, ka/llos: e)pi\ de\ tw=n e)kto\s plou=ton, do/can, eu)ge/neian kai\ ta\ o(/moia. a)poprohgou/mena de\ e)pi\ me\n tw=n yuxikw=n a)fui/+an, a)texni/an kai\ ta\ o(/moia: e)pi\ de\ tw=n swmatikw=n qa/naton, no/son, a)sqe/neian, kaxeci/an, ph/rwsin, ai)=sxos kai\ ta\ o(/moia e)pi\ de\ tw=n e)kto\s peni/an, a)doci/an, dusme/neian kai\ ta\ paraplh/sia: ou)/te de\ proh/xqh ou)/te a)poproh/xqh ta\ mhdete/rws e)/xonta. e)/ti tw=n prohgoume/nwn ta\ me\n di' au(ta\ proh=ktai, ta\ de\ di' e(/tera, ta\ de\ kai\ di' au(ta\ kai\ di' e(/tera. di' au(ta\ me\n eu)fui/+a, prokoph\ kai\ ta\ o(/moia: di' e(/tera de\ plou=tos, eu)ge/neia kai\ ta\ o(/moia: di' e(/tera de\ kai\ di' au(ta\ i)sxu\s, eu)aisqhsi/a, a)rtio/ths. di' au(ta\ me\n, o(/ti kata\ fu/sin e)sti/: di' e(/tera de\, o(/ti peripoiei= xrei/as ou)k o)li/gas. o(moi/ws de\ e)/xei kai\ to\ prohgou/menon kata\ to\n e)nanti/on lo/gon.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at Photius alpha353 Theodoridis. After this initial gloss, the main body of the entry quotes, with only minor variations, Diogenes Laertius 7.104-107 (on Stoic doctrine).
[2] Not the headword itself, a feminine noun, but the equivalent idiom using the neuter adjective.
[3] This phrase is conventionally supplied in the text of D.L.
[4] The Suda version of D.L. lacks this negative prefix.
Keywords: botany; definition; economics; ethics; food; medicine; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 June 2000@07:09:47.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Modified translation.) on 18 December 2000@01:31:11.
Catharine Roth (Augmented note.) on 18 December 2000@17:20:00.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 30 April 2002@08:19:11.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 4 December 2005@08:34:26.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 10 January 2012@10:11:12.
David Whitehead on 19 August 2013@05:51:00.
David Whitehead on 24 April 2015@02:52:59.


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