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Headword: *au)tolh/kuqoi
Adler number: alpha,4505
Translated headword: carriers of their own oil-flask
Vetting Status: high
Demosthenes [in the speech] Against Konon [uses the word].[1] Either it means individuals geared up and ready to do and experience anything whatever, or it means poor men, possessing nothing but oil-flasks. Alternatively, self-employed workers; or meaning men ready to fight with, for example, fists and whips and outrageous violence. Or else those paying cash in hand and ready for sex. For they used to keep money in oil-flasks, and often, when they had untied the oil-flask, they would use the thong for whipping.
Greek Original:
*au)tolh/kuqoi: *dhmosqe/nhs kata\ *ko/nwnos. h)/toi a)nti\ tou= eu)zw/nws tina\s kai\ e(toi/mws pa=n o(tiou=n poiei=n kai\ u(pome/nein. h)\ a)nti\ tou= pe/nhtas, mhde\n a)/llo kekthme/nous h)\ lhku/qous. h)\ au)tourgou/s. h)\ a)nti\ tou= ei)s plhga\s e(toi/mous kai\ oi(=on tu/ptontas kai\ mastigou=ntas kai\ u(bri/zontas. h)\ tou\s e)k proxei/rou dido/ntas a)rgu/rion kai\ e(toi/mous pro\s ta\s mi/ceis. kai\ ga\r ei)=xon e)n tai=s lhku/qois a)rgu/ria, kai\ lu/santes de\ polla/kis th\n lh/kuqon e)xrw=nto tw=| i(ma/nti pro\s to\ mastigou=n.
[1] Demosthenes 54.14 & 16 (web address 1). In the rest of the entry in Harpokration, which this present one summarizes, Attic New Comedy (Diphilus and Menander) is cited.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: art history; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; gender and sexuality; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 October 2000@04:38:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 28 August 2002@06:02:06.
William Hutton (added link and keyword, set status) on 30 June 2003@06:54:52.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 July 2011@06:22:52.


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