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Search results for alpha,4413 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,4413
Translated headword: Augustus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Augustus] the Caesar, cousin of Julius Caesar;[1] from whom also the month of August is named. Things that are honorable and great and illustrious are called "august." For in his reign the Lord Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, assumed flesh from the holy Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary.
The Augusteion was named because on the fifth of the month of October the presidents of regions and priests of the cult of the emperor [
sebastophoroi] used to hold a procession in the Augusteion, which is in the fishmarket, for the honor of
Tiberius; they called such a place thus from Augustus. But also Constantine the Great set up a monument to his mother in the courtyard of the laurel, from which he named the place Augusteion.[2]
Augusteion, which is called fishmarket: see also under Justinian.[3]
When Augustus Caesar died,
Tiberius and Drusus took the lead in the mourning, completely avoiding touching the body: for this was not permitted to monarchs. But the Vestals[4] kept the will which he had made.
Augustus Caesar made a sacrifice and asked the Pythia[5] who would rule after him; and she said, "A Hebrew child, ruling over the immortal gods, bids me leave this house and to go again to the bard. For the rest, go away in silence from our altars." And going out from the prophetic shrine Augustus set up an altar on the Capitol, on which he inscribed in Roman letters: "This altar belongs to the first-born god."[6]
Greek Original:*au)/goustos o( *kai=sar, a)neyio\s *)iouli/ou *kai/saros: a)f' ou(= kai\ o( mh\n *au)/goustos e)pike/klhtai. au)/gousta de\ le/gontai ta\ ti/mia kai\ mega/la kai\ e)pi/shma. e)p' au)tou= ga\r o( ku/rios *)ihsou=s *xristo\s, o( qeo\s kai\ swth\r h(mw=n, th\n sa/rka a)nei/lhfen e)k th=s a(gi/as qeoto/kou kai\ a)eiparqe/nou *maria/s. o(/ti *au)goustei=on e)klh/qh, dio/ti th=| e# tou= *)oktwbri/ou mhno\s oi( r(egewna/rxai kai\ sebastofo/roi e)xo/reuon e)n tw=| *au)goustei/w|, oi(=on e)n tw=| o)yopwli/w|, ei)s timh\n *tiberi/ou: to\n de\ toiou=ton to/pon ou(/tws e)ka/lesan a)po\ tou= *au)/goustos. e)/sthse de\ kai\ o( me/gas *kwnstanti=nos ei)s to\ a)/skepon th=s da/fnhs sth/lhn th=s e(autou= mhtro\s, e)c h(=s w)no/mase to\n to/pon *au)goustei=on. *au)goustei=on, o(/per le/getai o)yopw/lion kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *)ioustiniano/s. o(/ti *au)gou/stou *kai/saros a)poqano/ntos, *tibe/rios kai\ *drou=sos prohgou=nto tou= pe/nqous tou= nekrou= pantelw=s mh\ a(pto/menoi: ou) ga\r e)co\n toi=s monarxou=sin. ta\s de\ diaqh/kas ai( *(estia/des ei)=xon, a(\s die/qeto. o(/ti *au)/goustos *kai=sar qusia/sas h)/reto th\n *puqi/an, ti/s met' au)to\n basileu/sei: kai\ ei)=pe: pai=s *(ebrai=os ke/letai/ me, qeoi=s maka/ressin a)na/sswn, to/nde do/mon prolipei=n kai\ a)oido\n au)=qis i(ke/sqai. loipo\n a)/piqi sigw=n e)k bwmw=n h(mete/rwn. kai\ e)celqw\n e)k tou= mantei/ou o( *au)/goustos e)/sthsen e)n tw=| *kapitwli/w| bwmo\n, e)n w(=| e)pe/graye *(rwmai+koi=s gra/mmasin: o( bwmo\s ou(=to/s e)sti tou= prwtogo/nou qeou=.
De Imperatoribus Romanis article by Garrett Fagan at web address 1. See already
alpha 4412, and again
kappa 1197.
[1] More precisely, great-nephew of Julius Caesar; cf. Cedrenus (ed. Bekker) 300.22-24.
[2] Or "from whom;" cf. Preger,
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 158.4-10 (= ps.-Codinus,
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.15).
iota 446.
[4] See generally
epsilon 3213.
[5] See generally
pi 3127.
[6] cf. John Malalas (ed. Dindorf) 231.15 - 232.5; Cedrenus (ed. Bekker) 320.17-22. Anthony Ossa-Richardson points out that the Suda's
a)oido\n "bard" does not seem to make sense. According to Adler, the 1549
Basel edition printed
a)i/dhn ("Hades"); Malalas has
a)/i+dos ("[house] of Hades") and Cedrenus
o(do/n "road." The
Chronicon of Simeon Logothetes also reads
o(do/n. If
a)oido\n was the transmitted text, it could have been emended to "Hades" or "road"; in any case, the oracle's message is metrically deficient.
M. A. Bonnetty, "Sur une prophétie de la Pythie de Delphes," Annales de philosophie chrétienne new series 14 (1837) 62-71 (available at Google books)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; meter and music; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 August 2001@11:37:50.
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