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Headword: *)aspa/sios
Adler number: alpha,4203
Translated headword: Aspasius, Aspasios
Vetting Status: high
Of Byblos.[1] Sophist; a contemporary of Aristides[2] and Hadrian.[3] He wrote On Byblos; On Figured Issues;[4] Declamations; Arts;[5] Commentaries; Informal Discourses; Encomium of the Emperor Hadrian and of certain others.
Greek Original:
*)aspa/sios, *bu/blios, sofisth\s, sugxronw=n *)aristei/dh| kai\ *)adrianw=|. e)/graye *peri\ *bu/blou, *peri\ sta/sewn e)sxhmatisme/nwn, *mele/tas, *te/xnas, *(upomnh/mata, *lalia\s, *)egkw/mion ei)s *)adriano\n to\n basile/a kai\ ei)s a)/llous tina/s.
RE Aspasios(3); NP Aspasios(2); PIR2 A1261; FGrH 792.
[1] Present-day Jubayl, in Lebanon.
[2] [alpha 3902] Aristides.
[3] [alpha 528] Hadrian.
[4] An improbable title; perhaps 'On Figured Speeches; On Issues'.
[5] In the sense of technical (How to...) handbooks.
M. Heath, AJPh 119 (1998) 99f.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 20 June 2000@13:37:07.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 26 August 2002@06:27:54.
David Whitehead (another note; cosmetics) on 25 April 2012@06:16:29.
David Whitehead (coding) on 1 September 2015@09:19:00.


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