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Headword: *)areiano/s
Adler number: alpha,3834
Translated headword: Arian
Vetting Status: high
One should know that dissensions arose among the Arians also for the following reason. The contentious questions which were daily agitated among them led them to assert some absurd propositions. For whereas it is believed in the Church that God is the Father of the Son, the Word, they asked whether God could be called 'Father' before the Son had subsistence. Thus in supposing that the Word of God was not begotten of the Father, but came into subsistence out of non-being, and thus slipping into error on the chief and main point, they predictably fell into absurd disputations about a mere name. Dorotheus, therefore, when they sent for him from Antioch, began to maintain that God could neither be nor be called Father before the Son existed. But Marinus, whom they had summoned out of Thrace before Dorotheus (annoyed because they preferred Dorotheus to him) undertook to defend the contrary opinion. There arose a schism among them respecting this term, and each party began to hold separate meetings. [The followers of Marinus] asserted that the Father had always been Father, even when the Son had not come into subsistence. This section was denominated Psathyrians, because a certain Theoctistus, a Syrian by birth, and a cake-seller [psathyropoles] by trade, defended this opinion with great zeal.[1] Selenas bishop of the Goths followed this party. This faction however soon quarreled among themselves, Marinus disagreeing with Agapius, whom he himself had preferred to the bishopric of Ephesus. They disputed, however, not about any point of religion, but in narrow-mindedness about precedence, in which the Goths sided with Agapius. [The Arians] continued to be divided among themselves for thirty-five years, until [the reign] of Theodosius the Younger.[2]
Greek Original:
*)areiano/s. i)ste/on, o(/ti e)ge/nonto kai\ e)n *)areianoi=s diaire/seis di' ai)ti/an toiau/thn. kaq' e(ka/sthn par' au)toi=s e)ristikai\ zhth/seis ei)s a)/topa/ tina tou\s lo/gous au)tw=n proh/gagon. e)pei\ ga\r e)n th=| e)kklhsi/a| pisteu/etai o( qeo\s path\r ei)=nai tou= ui(ou= tou= lo/gou, zh/thma e)ne/pesen ei)s au)tou\s, ei) du/natai kai\ pro\ tou= u(posth=nai to\n ui(o\n o( qeo\s kalei=sqai path/r. e)pei\ ga\r to\n tou= qeou= lo/gon ou)k e)k patro\s genna=sqai, a)ll' e)c ou)k o)/ntwn u(posth=nai e)do/cazon, peri\ to\ prw=ton kai\ a)nwta/tw kefa/laion sfale/ntes ei)ko/tws peri\ yilou= o)no/matos ei)s a)/topon filoneiki/an e)ce/peson. *dwro/qeos me\n e)k th=s *)antioxei/as u(p' au)tw=n metastalei\s e)/lege mh\ du/nasqai pate/ra ei)=nai h)\ kalei=sqai mh\ u(festw=tos ui(ou=. *mari=nos de\, o(\n e)k *qra/|khs pro\ *dwroqe/ou keklh/keisan, kairou= draca/menos a)formh=s [e)lupei=to ga\r o(/ti au)tou= *dwro/qeos proeke/krito] tou= e)nanti/ou lo/gou proi/+stato. kai\ gi/netai ei)s au)tou\s diai/resis dia\ to\ prolexqe\n lecei/dion, kai\ kat' i)di/an e(ka/teros ta\s sunagwga\s e)poiou=nto, le/gontes to\n pate/ra ei)=nai pate/ra kai\ mh\ u(festw=tos ui(ou=. e)kalou=nto de\ ou(=toi *yaqurianoi\, o(/ti *qeo/ktisto/s tis, yaquropw/lhs, *su/ros, diapu/rws tw=| lo/gw| tw=|de suni/stato. e)phkolou/qhse de\ au)toi=s kai\ *selena=s o( tw=n *go/tqwn e)pi/skopos. kai\ ou(=toi mikro\n u(/steron dih|re/qhsan, *mari/nou pro\s *)aga/pion dienexqe/ntos, o(\n au)to\s ei)s e)pi/skopon *)efe/sou probe/blhto. ou(=toi de\ ou) peri\ qrhskei/as a)lla\ peri\ proedri/as mikroyuxh/santes e)pole/moun a)llh/lois. e)xwri/zonto de\ a)llh/lwn e)pi\ e)/th le# e(/ws tou= ne/ou *qeodosi/ou.
OCD(4) pp.150-1, s.v. Arianism.
The Arians believed that the Son was a created being, inferior to God the Father. This position was rejected by the first Council of Nicea. If the Son came to be at a certain time, rather than existing eternally, the question could arise whether the Father was really Father before that time.
This entry is derived from Socrates, Ecclesiastical History 5.23 (see web address 1).
cf. alpha 3835.
[1] cf. psi 3.
[2] 408-450.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; food; geography; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 24 August 2002@00:21:32.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keywords) on 24 August 2002@09:33:10.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@07:25:03.
David Whitehead (typo) on 6 February 2011@07:38:39.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 11 April 2012@07:42:05.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 12 April 2012@00:56:06.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 July 2014@03:04:38.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 22 October 2015@19:23:30.


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