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Headword: *)aprostasi/ou
Adler number: alpha,3703
Translated headword: having no patron
Vetting Status: high
It is a type of [sc. Athenian] lawsuit brought against those not taking a resident to be their patron.[1] For each of them used to refuse[2] one of the citizens to act for him in all private and public matters.
See under a)postasi/ou.[3]
Greek Original:
*)aprostasi/ou: ei)=do/s e)sti di/khs kata\ tw=n mh\ nemo/ntwn prostatei=n e)/noikon. kai\ ga\r e(/kastos au)tw=n h)rnei=to/ tina tw=n politw=n to\n prosthso/menon au)tw=| peri\ pa/ntwn tw=n i)di/wn kai\ tw=n koinw=n. zh/tei e)n tw=| a)postasi/ou.
[1] The source for this, the equivalent entry in Harpokration (citing Hyperides fr. 15 Jensen), has undergone some unhelpful changes here -- notably the elimination of any mention of metics (who are the "them" of the next sentence). See also next note.
[2] "Used to refuse" (h)rnei=to) is an error for "used to choose" (h|(rei=to).
[3] alpha 3546; see also nu 166.
Keywords: daily life; definition; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 October 2000@11:47:39.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied headword; augmented note and keywords; cosmetics) on 23 August 2002@04:44:17.
William Hutton (cosmetics, expanded note) on 2 June 2003@11:38:29.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 June 2011@07:35:37.
Catharine Roth (betacode) on 14 October 2015@23:47:30.


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